Kevin Caldwell...

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Post by SpPANDA » Sat Jul 27, 2002 12:27 am

klinky wrote:You know I did a google search for caldwell way back when and I, I found nothing on the dude so I went "Meh" and continued on...Maybe he should right a biography....

it'd answer alot of people's questions.
it really would.

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Post by SpPANDA » Sat Jul 27, 2002 12:29 am

AbsoluteDestiny wrote:SpPanda...

considering the amount of time you spend on this forum I can't BELIEVE you've missed the very large thread about this which was started a few days ago in this very forum.

It resulted in a lot of people saying "would people stop fucking posting a Kevin Caldwell thread every week!!?"

He's a guy who was known for making very good videos who has never had an internet presence and hasn't shown a new video in public in almost 3 years. If you look at the thread about him in this forum you will see a photo of him. He's a perfectly normal bloke.

You can find his videos on Waldos or on lots of websites by typing in "caldwell anime" into google.

Good lord, I think this will have to go in the faq one day.
i usually hang out in other spots of the forum.
i was only curious the other night. i said "jeez... i wonder how i can find a list of the movies he's made... where i can download them... how i can email him...." its only out of curiousity.

i'd feel the same for brad demoss too, perhaps, only.. i dont care to.

kevin caldwell has inspired alot of people to make videos.

i was curious of his wereabouts.

if i knew it bugged people to hear a new thread ("hear" a new thread) about the guy everyweek.. i would have been posting this every chance i've got.


i believe this is where i say "Jesus Fucking Christ."



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Post by §_Akuma_§ » Sat Jul 27, 2002 12:36 am

well if u were to open up your fucking eyes and read the forums insted of spamming the hell out of them, u would know NOT to ask anything about Kevin Caldwell. why? simple, LITTLE/NO ONE KNOWS ANYTHING ABOUT HIM!!! no one knows his wearabouts and dont bother trying to find his email addy b/c it is pointless. shit i bet he doesnt have one b/c they guy is scared out of his mind of how many emails he would get a day. so do yourself and everyone else a favor, DONT ASK ABOUT KEVIN CALDWELL, B/C NO ONE KNOWS!!! there i answered your question. and as for any n00bies that are to read this, take a personal note and NEVER ask this kind of thing....EVER or else ppl will be picking up there flame throwers and ready to burn someone to s crisp.
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Post by SpPANDA » Sat Jul 27, 2002 12:46 am

§_Akuma_§ wrote:well if u were to open up your fucking eyes and read the forums insted of spamming the hell out of them, u would know NOT to ask anything about Kevin Caldwell. why? simple, LITTLE/NO ONE KNOWS ANYTHING ABOUT HIM!!! no one knows his wearabouts and dont bother trying to find his email addy b/c it is pointless. shit i bet he doesnt have one b/c they guy is scared out of his mind of how many emails he would get a day. so do yourself and everyone else a favor, DONT ASK ABOUT KEVIN CALDWELL, B/C NO ONE KNOWS!!! there i answered your question. and as for any n00bies that are to read this, take a personal note and NEVER ask this kind of thing....EVER or else ppl will be picking up there flame throwers and ready to burn someone to s crisp.
jesus fucking christ man!
was all that really necissary?
is that how you even SPELL necissary?

anywho... yeah.. i asked.
im not asshamed i did.
i'll even do it again to piss you off. [shrugs]

i could care less...
as if your beligerance is more than what it takes to keep things in order for you.

yep. you're always on top of things.
i think the only conversations we have are.
"hi, im curious about ______"
"fuck you panda! i hate you for ruining my life."

and it makes me feel sooo good.
im glad at least one of us is intelligent. [nods]

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Post by §_Akuma_§ » Sat Jul 27, 2002 1:11 am

it was VERY nessesary. why? b/c it gets REALLY annoying reading the same/simialr subject every damn week and Hsien knows it to as u can already tell. it only pisses ppl off when u do that and not just me, and if u do it again (i could care less if u do) it wouldnt piss me off, not at all BUT it will piss off alot of other ppl here.
im not ALWAYS on top of things, i try to stay on top on thing in what NOT to do and so far, i have been doing preaty good (in ways like asking stupid n00bie questions) and the last time i did was like 7-9 months ago when i was still very much a full flege newb.
the only conversation we had was when i told u to shut the fuck up in the chat room b/c ppl were getting pissed off when every 2nd word u said was "check out my videos, heres the link blah blah blah".
u are probably wondering why i dont like u. well ill tell u so that ppl that are reading this and u know why. u are annoying, ever more annoying, u have an ego the size Russia, your a huge bragger, u spam the forums like hell (again, very annoying) and the number one reason is......when i first talked to u, u said shit like "i love you" "*huggies*" and that kind of shit, christ man, im a guy!!!!! thats not a good sign.
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Post by SpPANDA » Sat Jul 27, 2002 1:19 am

§_Akuma_§ wrote:it was VERY nessesary. why? b/c it gets REALLY annoying reading the same/simialr subject every damn week and Hsien knows it to as u can already tell. it only pisses ppl off when u do that and not just me, and if u do it again (i could care less if u do) it wouldnt piss me off, not at all BUT it will piss off alot of other ppl here.
im not ALWAYS on top of things, i try to stay on top on thing in what NOT to do and so far, i have been doing preaty good (in ways like asking stupid n00bie questions) and the last time i did was like 7-9 months ago when i was still very much a full flege newb.
the only conversation we had was when i told u to shut the fuck up in the chat room b/c ppl were getting pissed off when every 2nd word u said was "check out my videos, heres the link blah blah blah".
u are probably wondering why i dont like u. well ill tell u so that ppl that are reading this and u know why. u are annoying, ever more annoying, u have an ego the size Russia, your a huge bragger, u spam the forums like hell (again, very annoying) and the number one reason is......when i first talked to u, u said shit like "i love you" "*huggies*" and that kind of shit, christ man, im a guy!!!!! thats not a good sign.
and where abouts in my posts do you come to the conclusion that i have
a big ego?

where am i braggin about things?
where am i putting others down?

am i wrong for being out going? and loving what i do and loving the idea that it realtes to others?

would i be hosting a contest if i didn't like what i do?

jesus, man... you're too quick to assume what you want to believe right off the bat. (bat?)

who cares who i am. I'm still a n00b. posting my website (which is by the way [and was recently redesigned]) was a way to get my vids shown. jebus! ho welse do i get people to watch my vids?

it's like the opening of a moroccan restaurant... who the hell is going to eat there?! you need ADVERTISMENTS.

big ego my ass.. i only POST ALOT because i love the site.
and you.
and phade.
and everyone. ^_^

and dont be quick to judge my sexuality. i'm very much straight, and im pretty sure i hit it more than you ever will.

[cough]jack ass[cough]

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Post by Ashton » Sat Jul 27, 2002 1:35 am

Will the two of you please stop fighting? It's really pointless because of Internet anonymity. You can both act as tough as you like, but because there is no way that either of the two of you will ever meet, neither of you will ever get the opportunity to sock each other in the face. In addition, name calling is entirely unnecessary, and newbie bashing for the sake of releasing frustration is also counter productive. Can’t we all just be friends?

To §_Akuma_§ : I’m sorry, I put Panda up to this. I was curious, and we were talking, and we both decided we would like to know, but I wasn’t going to post for fear of this very situation. Panda happened to be a bit braver than I (if misguided and/or ignorant) and it was simply a case of two newbies trying to fuel their creative endeavors.

To Panda: Sorry -_- wasn’t expecting this kind of reaction.
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Post by Rozard » Sat Jul 27, 2002 1:36 am

"That makes me a sad panda." :(
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Post by SpPANDA » Sat Jul 27, 2002 1:37 am

eh.. its ok. some people like to jump to conclusions... and be total dick heads.

not your fault.

panda still loves you all.

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Post by §_Akuma_§ » Sat Jul 27, 2002 1:41 am

Dan, u r really pushing your fucking luck with me boy. im in no mood for any or anythings shit today so FUCK OFF!!
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