by Jebadia » Wed Feb 19, 2003 6:15 pm
icbal wrote:Sanosuke6988 wrote:Remaking is for the weak. Get it done right the first time and you've got no worries
But then I also hate it when people remake other peoples vids.
I don't find anything wrong with remakes, if someone wanted to remake one of my vids I would be flattered. I like to see what other people might have done with different parts of a video in contrast to the ideas of the origional creater, as long as they don't stray from the vids origional concept.
The Zero Saber made some good remakes of some classics, "Rhythem of the Heat" "It's Not Enough" which I thought were well done and stayed true to the origionals, plus it's nice to see 'Rhythem of the Heat' in much better quality than Brad's distro copy which was lacking, quality that is, the vid still roxx0r my boxx0r dispite of that.
"If you believe in yourself, eat all your school, stay on milk, drink your teeth, don't do sleep, and get your eight hours of drugs, you can get WORK!"
Paperskunk:...PENIS!!!!!!!!! GIANT PENIS!!!!!!!!!! ERMAC WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!!!!!!! GIANT JUICY PENIS!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH MY EYES!!!!!!