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Post by bttws » Tue Feb 18, 2003 9:41 pm

1. XP for one doesn't support my hardware.

2. XP is just 2000 with eye candy and other usless stuff to slow it down
I like 2000, but it doesn't play well with games.

3. I gave it several chances, with different builds, with and with out updates. all with the same results... I installed it (XP), and it ran ok for a few days then just started to crawl after I installed all my software. So, I went back to my ghosted 98se and it ran much faster everytime (I have a 1GHZ w/ 256 ram, it should have worked fine)

I hate Microsoft's EZ-ware, they put so much into making the computer esay to use to people who don't know how to use computers. All these features to make it easy, just slows it down everything in my opinion.
It started with Microsoft BOB and when downhill from there.

(for those of you who havent noticed.... some microsoft triva, the dog that asks to help you find files in XP is THE SAME dog that helps you use your computer in the ill fated Microsoft BOB)

I've used windows ever since windows 2.0 (yes 2.0) and I don't need windows "helping" me every five seconds
"are you sure you want to do that?"
"these are importent files, they are hidden form you"
"would you like to do this"
"deleteing that MAY cause problems"
"can I open this for you?"
"you inserted a CD, what would you like to do?"
"can I play all your mp3s?"
etc etc

I know you can turn these features off, but its the fact they are there in the firstplace.
*end rant*

I like Linux, because it runs well, but I still need windows for video editing. (haven't got Cinelerra to run as fast and stable as Premere)

I like 98se because even though it runs slow at times, it MUCH better than XP, not 2000 but 2000 doesn't work with my capture card eather.
Newer/Newest does not = better.

thats just my 2 cents, I'll keep using 98se untill they come out with something that actually works well. or untill windows emmulation works well enough in Linux to support complex applications and games (it can now, but it takes lots of twicking)


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Post by bttws » Tue Feb 18, 2003 9:44 pm

Mr Pilkington wrote:Besides you have no room to complain about crappy OS's. 98se? Good god! 3.11 was a more efficant OS. And as per your use of linux, I would find it interesting to know what version number and copy you use, and your exact purpous in laying claims to such a system. Or are you just another glutton for "bragging rights"?
im not bragging about anything, i just personly care for XP
I use Mandrake 9.0 BTW

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Post by MistyCaldwell » Tue Feb 18, 2003 9:54 pm

I think, in the 'if it ain't broke' kinda way.

I use 98 because it's what I am used to. Right now I am using XP on a Pentium 4. Of course I notice a little boost over the 98 I use at home is really related more to the innards of the compy and less to the software OS.

Assuming you can disable most every auto-help feature of XP, but like bttws said, it just wastes space when you have all these useless (or annoying) features and percieved shortcuts.

I like OS platforms that aren't built assuming the user is a 'complete' dumb@$$ :)

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Post by kthulhu » Tue Feb 18, 2003 9:56 pm

My hard drive: 40 gigabyte Western Digital. My OS: Windows 2000 with Service Pack 3.

I'm satisfied for now.
I'm out...

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Post by trythil » Tue Feb 18, 2003 10:13 pm

bttws wrote:I like Linux, because it runs well, but I still need windows for video editing. (haven't got Cinelerra to run as fast and stable as Premere)
Huh? Cinelerra 1.1.5 hasn't ever crashed on me since I compiled it, and it runs at a pretty decent clip, considering the insanity I put it through. How have you configured it? How did you install it?

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Post by bttws » Tue Feb 18, 2003 10:29 pm

I installed it ok(at least i think) it just seems to run so slow it is almost unusable. its really clunky.

i made sure I hade the right software to complie, then just

make install

what else needed to be done?
can I use DC10 MPEG codecs in it?

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Post by trythil » Tue Feb 18, 2003 10:36 pm

bttws wrote:I installed it ok(at least i think) it just seems to run so slow it is almost unusable. its really clunky.

i made sure I hade the right software to complie, then just

make install

what else needed to be done?
can I use DC10 MPEG codecs in it?

The heroines distribution isn't autoconf'ed, so I don't see how you could have possibly done that specific sequence of steps -- unless you used a patched build. I'm pretty sure that you're not on 1.1.5.

Compiler flags need to be set for best stability and performance. Check http:/// , and go into "Docs" for information regarding this. Also, in my experience, GCC 3.1.1+ produces the best output. I don't know what Mandrake's status with regard to compilers is (if they're still on 2.95.3, my condolences).

Barring that, switch distributions :P I get very good results with Cinelerra under Gentoo Linux 1.3, kernel v2.4.19 with SGI's XFS extensions, XFree86 4.2.1 w/ fvwm2 as window manager, all running on a (putzy) Athlon Thunderbird 850 with 640 MB of RAM.

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Post by bttws » Tue Feb 18, 2003 10:40 pm

thanks for the tips, I'll have to try it after I get done with my current video project that I've already started
I'll send a PM if i have any questions :)

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Post by RadicalEd0 » Tue Feb 18, 2003 10:50 pm

not to mention, "as fast and stable as premiere" isnt saying much at all :|

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Post by MistyCaldwell » Tue Feb 18, 2003 10:58 pm


I heart media 100 :)


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