Cowboy Bebop Movie Site Up!!!!!!!!
- goat
- Joined: Mon Nov 04, 2002 6:51 pm
- Location: Achoo.
GOD DAMN IT. I'm going to D.C. on April 24th, I could have convinced my mom to let me see it, except for that fucking R rating. She doesn't even care about violence in stuff, cause she knows I will not go buy a gun and kill some one. But I'm under 17 so the only way I'm allowed to see an R movie, no matter what, I'm dead serious no exceptions, is if she sees it first and approves. And a movie is too expensive to go and see twice, so I'm screwed until the video comes out. Even then my mom might decide to be a bitch and not let me see it. The only way I can possible see it in DC is to buy tickets, and with a $1.50 weekly allowance I'm not exactly rich. Plus my mom will probably fall asleep during it (she will, she fell asleep during Princess Mononoke, a CB session, and Shrek) and not let me see it cause she couldv've missed some "objectionable" part. She won't feel like seeing it twice anyway (she'd have to get me in). Damn it!
- CaTaClYsM
- Joined: Fri Jul 26, 2002 3:54 am
I think it sucks, people will get the wrong impression of a perfectly good movie because if that rating they gave it.
So in other words, one part of the community is waging war on another part of the community because they take their community seriously enough to want to do so. Then they tell the powerless side to get over the loss cause it's just an online community. I'm glad people make so much sense." -- Tab
- Joined: Tue Jul 09, 2002 5:39 am
- Location: Southern California
Jesus christ you are all way over reacting to this rating thing. Would you prefier they edited it so they could get it down to PG 13? Rated R giving people the wrong impression? Since when was this supose to be a kids movie? And the reason for the rating is because you see people get shot. And not just like shot, but you actually see the bullet hole form close up. You never see that in PG 13 movies. Yeah you see people get shot, but not in the graphic close up way. They had this happen in hte series a couple times (like when Jet was shot in the leg in Read Folk Blues Part 1) and they always cut it out. Seriously, his rating is not that big a deal, I dunno why you are all freaking out over it. Also, in the US animated films with violence tend to be rated harder because, like it or not, most people in the US expect animated stuff to be for kids. The MPAA probably probably gave it an R just to make sure people would realize this wasnt your average disney flick. Yeah thats stupid, but thats how it is, deal with it. Its not like it actually changes anything.
- CaTaClYsM
- Joined: Fri Jul 26, 2002 3:54 am
jurrasic park shows people getting eaten alive. Titanic shows REAL nudity instead of the pseydo aniem nudity they have in this. And all the presidents men (a PG movie) has the F word so many times I lost count at 20. This movie is TAME, in it's unedited form it could get a pg-13 if it were live action.
So in other words, one part of the community is waging war on another part of the community because they take their community seriously enough to want to do so. Then they tell the powerless side to get over the loss cause it's just an online community. I'm glad people make so much sense." -- Tab
- jonmartensen
- Joined: Sat Aug 31, 2002 11:50 pm
- Location: Gimmickville USA
Those are all excellent points. Very good reasons.TheRealNeoHentaiMaster wrote:Jesus christ you are all way over reacting to this rating thing. Would you prefier they edited it so they could get it down to PG 13? Rated R giving people the wrong impression? Since when was this supose to be a kids movie? And the reason for the rating is because you see people get shot. And not just like shot, but you actually see the bullet hole form close up. You never see that in PG 13 movies. Yeah you see people get shot, but not in the graphic close up way. They had this happen in hte series a couple times (like when Jet was shot in the leg in Read Folk Blues Part 1) and they always cut it out. Seriously, his rating is not that big a deal, I dunno why you are all freaking out over it. Also, in the US animated films with violence tend to be rated harder because, like it or not, most people in the US expect animated stuff to be for kids. The MPAA probably probably gave it an R just to make sure people would realize this wasnt your average disney flick. Yeah thats stupid, but thats how it is, deal with it. Its not like it actually changes anything.
One also has to keep in mind that many movies add just a little extra profanity or violence in order to get the R rating. As far as earnings go, having an R rating will make this movie more money than if it was PG-13.
- KhalReblic23
- Joined: Mon Feb 24, 2003 3:01 am
- Anime Jedi
- Joined: Sun May 19, 2002 11:16 am
- Location: Wandering Aimlessly (Canada)
- The Non-Professional
- Joined: Mon Oct 15, 2001 9:21 pm
- Location: Maybe on earth, maybe in the future
Aw man, that sucks for you. just download the fan sub, edit out questionable parts, and show your mom that way if she is awake when she sees those parts just say you dont know what that isgoat wrote:GOD DAMN IT. I'm going to D.C. on April 24th, I could have convinced my mom to let me see it, except for that fucking R rating. She doesn't even care about violence in stuff, cause she knows I will not go buy a gun and kill some one. But I'm under 17 so the only way I'm allowed to see an R movie, no matter what, I'm dead serious no exceptions, is if she sees it first and approves. And a movie is too expensive to go and see twice, so I'm screwed until the video comes out. Even then my mom might decide to be a bitch and not let me see it. The only way I can possible see it in DC is to buy tickets, and with a $1.50 weekly allowance I'm not exactly rich. Plus my mom will probably fall asleep during it (she will, she fell asleep during Princess Mononoke, a CB session, and Shrek) and not let me see it cause she couldv've missed some "objectionable" part. She won't feel like seeing it twice anyway (she'd have to get me in). Damn it!

- Joined: Thu Nov 21, 2002 7:10 pm
- Location: anywhere but here
goat wrote:GOD DAMN IT. I'm going to D.C. on April 24th, I could have convinced my mom to let me see it, except for that fucking R rating. She doesn't even care about violence in stuff, cause she knows I will not go buy a gun and kill some one. But I'm under 17 so the only way I'm allowed to see an R movie, no matter what, I'm dead serious no exceptions, is if she sees it first and approves. And a movie is too expensive to go and see twice, so I'm screwed until the video comes out. Even then my mom might decide to be a bitch and not let me see it. The only way I can possible see it in DC is to buy tickets, and with a $1.50 weekly allowance I'm not exactly rich. Plus my mom will probably fall asleep during it (she will, she fell asleep during Princess Mononoke, a CB session, and Shrek) and not let me see it cause she couldv've missed some "objectionable" part. She won't feel like seeing it twice anyway (she'd have to get me in). Damn it!
see my mom doesnt care what i watch unless its porn and i dont even have an allowance. thats why i scam and steal or just mooch off my friends
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