by skanks » Mon Apr 28, 2003 2:13 am
Newtype cost me $19.95 AUS
As for that whole thing about TV.
Australian TV consists of mainly poor quality soap operas they like to call dramas. (Bad acting, no over all plot just random nonsense)
Old people running around solving crimes. (cop shows)
American import repeated sit coms
Every single annoying reality tv, (they actually made tv series about auctioning houses)
some news here and there
and sports.
Anime in the mornings on Cheez tv are DBZ repeats, Pokemon repeats and Beyblade, sometimes repeats card captor and digimon. Although now they seem to be screening something like a spounge that lives in the ocean. (saw a little bit of it awhile ago)
thank god for Fansubs.. thats all i can say. I can't imagine being another brainwashed tosser running around in Fubu cloths swearing at passing cars because they are, well driving past.
Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else