Well it's not open to just anyone. And editors and staff where the only ones invited. It's just that the colleges Anime Club was the ones holding the thing and allowing the use of a room with a projector and all, so it would be bad form if they could not come themselves.dokool wrote:*waves* me!Freako wrote:Just curious if anybody submitted a FLCL video ? besides me.
As far as the heckling is concerned, that's just not cool. I was under the impression that the judging was open to editors only, not just anyone who would drop by. Now I'm kinda worried as to how my video was recieved, as the song alone would make it heckle-worthy from a bunch of college assholes... =/ But I'm guessing that nobody can tell me how my video was recieved, eh?
Besides, if they had not come, only like 4 people would have shown up cause that's all the creators that were there.
As for your video, 1) We don't know what it is, 2) We may not have reviewed it yet, and 3) Even if we did, we woulden't say.
On a side note. Jason got back to me and said that only like 4 people showed up to the NYC Pre-Screening. He said that more then 10 had contacted him, but only 4 came. It did sound a little upset about it too.