B3 wrote: If I may speak on the subject, does it really matter that ADV is making a live-action Eva? For all those Eva fanboys out there, who are spazzing out about this, why does it matter so? I mean its just a movie. And if it flops, or sucks, then it flops or sucks. Its not like ADV is breaking your arm to watch it.
Some people don't want sucky movies to be made. Others want to be sure that projects with a lot of potential and expectations, like this one, are done right. I would sacrifice the lives of myself and my immediate family to make a live-action Eva TV series that is as good as it can be.
B3 wrote:But still I find it funny all these Eva buffs are cryin' and whinin' like 3 year olds saying "NO!!! Don't do this to Eva!!! Eva is the 'greatest anime' of all time!" Which is another matter that I would like to argu. Evangelion is, in my opinion not God's gift to the anime world. I cannot see why everyone loves the show so much. In essence its just another giant mech/monster of the day show. Not saying that that is a bad thing, but it is nothing new to the anime world. Now I know that everything I've said will probly have me get flamed out the ass, but this is just how I feel about Eva and the whole movie thing. I'm not forcing my beliefs on anyone, I'm just stating my opinions. In fact, I'm not saying that Eva sucks, I like Eva, I even own it. But I don't think that it is the greatest of all time. No anime yet has had me say that. But thats just me, like I said before... Anywho, flame me if you wish...
You don't seem to understand what Eva is truly about. It's not about the robots, it's about the characters.
Ask me about my secret stash of videos that can't be found anywhere anymore.