I haven't been involved with this for any way for more than a month...
I haven't asked any professionals for help directly, but I read the guides. Actually, that's why I haven't asked them - cause I bothered to read the guides. (duh)
The beginning of my trip here was at another community, where I made a thoroughly inflammatory post about lack of originality in most AMV's and declared that if I ever wanted to make one, it would be not to jump bandwagons nor to even make people like me, but just to make something contrary to common practice, and rectify certain (as I saw them) injustices. Which, in a way turned out true, in a way - not quite.
I like anime, but my primary drive and inspiration comes from the music. It is my love for music that moved me to become interested in this.
I still have no plans to become to any degree a pro or expert at AMV making, nor attempt to chase the elusive masters and match their work. Nope, I'll just sit here in my basement, and when a strong, persistent idea comes and hits me in the head again, I'll launch Premiere and do something. Something largely modest. I have no interest in spending hundreds of hours fine-tuning some fancy effect or attempting to impress anyone with unassailably perfect timing.
Which, to some part, why I'm not really seeking any sort of massive, thorough critique. I'm an amateur and would find it kind of unfair if people started comparing me to oh... Kevin f***in Caldwell or something. At that, I already know most of my deficiencies and mistakes, some of which are unavoidable, some of which are almost intentional.
With me, the motto is 'Honor sufficiency'. I'm prepared to work on videos to the point where they reflect my intentions and impressions of the music, and not a minute more.
So, suppose I've come out. Not only am I a beginner, but I'm also a self-professed AMV amateur. And proud of it.

The Birds are using humanity in order to throw something terrifying at this green pig. And then what happens to us all later, that’s simply not important to them…