Well, I suppose I fall into the "newbie" category since I'm still working on my first video that I just started about a month ago. I certainly read all the guides that pertained to my creation process and did research to find out if the song/ video had been used before - the song has never been used, the anime (Perfect Blue) has been used ~100 times, but a lot of those are solely dancing clips for rhythm vids and I'm taking a slightly different approach than most of the serious vids (at least, I think I am).
But then, even if it has been done before, should it make
that much of a difference to me? This is my first video, and while I think it's turning out pretty good, I still regard it as a demo/ baseline to get an idea of how I'll want to edit in the future. Additionally, this is an idea I've been kicking around for a while and I really started it just as an outlet for my creativity. I'm thinking of uploading a 0.90b version to my personal webspace and advertising it on a smaller board that I visit to get some feedback because I want to know if what I'm doing "works".
But does wanting to show it to other people mean I'm not doing it for myself? I read the guides because I didn't want my video to look crappy, but I would have done that even if I were never going to show it to anybody. If all it takes is a little bit of reading & effort to get my video looking great technically, then why wouldn't I do research on how to make it look the best it can? Then again, I'm a bit of a perfectionist, so maybe I'm in the minority about this.
As for the particular combo I used, would I have still made the video if it had been done before? I'm not too sure about that. I certainly would have tried my damndest to download it to see how it had been done before. If I thought it was really good and accomplished what I would have wanted to accomplish, I probably would not have gone ahead with my idea.
Basically, I guess it all comes down to the balance between doing it for myself/ doing it for others (i.e. fame & fortune
). If someone is truly doing it just for him or herself, then they might not care how good it looks or whether it has a theme. However, one can’t
expect to be appreciated (or not flamed
) if you don’t put any effort into making something that appeals to others. It’s certainly the creator’s right to make the videos however they want; however it’s also the viewer’s right to seek their own enjoyment from the video.
Personally, I want my videos to entertain the viewer – that’s part of the enjoyment I get from making videos (or, at least, I hope it will be). Does that mean I’m not making them for myself, or for “the love of AMV creation”? I suppose that depends on how you define those concepts. I think there’s usually a balance struck between doing it for yourself and doing it for others, but as long as you’re happy doing it, why try to categorize your motivations?
Wow, this was really long.
You left enchanted by my intellect...
or maybe, you didn't.