gamervoid wrote:my only feeling was that, if you even attempted to read my original post, leaves of happaness should have one something, and at the very least been shown at the masquerade for the sake of doing the crowd justice.
Not to be mean, and keep in mind I have not seen the video, but I have heard there were quite a few videos that were "superior" to it in this contest (as well as Fanime). Again, I have not seen it and thus will reserve judgement, but it is what I have heard from a number of attendees.
At the same time, the fact that the majority of awards were voted by the audience on a ballot kind of proves that the fans *didn't* think it was one of the best videos ne?
As for the trolling business, I *think* we can discuss this in a NON-FLAMATORY and finger-pointing fashion like we did in the previous "trolling thread." All of us have our own opinions on the subject and all of us are capable of discussing this in a calm and mature manor like we did in the previous trolling thread. I implore you guys to use that type of behavior. I may dislike trolling and have my own definitions, but there is no need to finger-point other than to personally-attack.