Parents + AMV = ?

General discussion of Anime Music Videos
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Post by Mags » Tue Aug 13, 2002 12:19 am

tis cool... 8)
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Post by Yogurtron » Tue Aug 13, 2002 12:22 am

I've shown my 'rents my videos. So far they like them rather well, but that might be because the ones I've shown them only used a little, if any, anime. My mom felt my Dogma Music video was pretty disgusting though (that's what you get when you mix System Of A Down's "Chop Suey!" with such wonderful lines as "when angels deserve to die" to a movie about killing angels.. or former angels at least). Other than that, they'd like them. I think the intro to the vid i'm working on right now, would get a similar reaction from my mom. That vid being my first true ANIME music video.
Both my parents don't really like my watching anime habits too much, but they deal. My mom really doesn't like me going to cons, she's afraid I'll waste all my money... But with college on its way back this next quarter, that'll mostly be a thing of the past. Of course, that doesn't help my financial situation all that much (in the short run) tho. Oh well.

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Parents and AMVs

Post by anneke » Tue Aug 13, 2002 12:19 pm

Most of my videos are Yaoi. I have declined to tell my parents what Yaoi is. They just think it's a convention I go to in San Francisco.

I have shown my mother some of my Kenshin OAV videos. She thinks they are okay and keeps wondering why I don't use classical music.

My mother tries to be supportive, and tapes me anime off of the TV whenever she can. (However I never have time to watch all of it.)

My father doesn't really care. My sister keeps borrowing my DVDs.


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Post by Vancore » Tue Aug 13, 2002 2:44 pm

My Main reason for starting "The Wickity Wild West" was to please my Mom since I had a hard time actually finding a AMV that she did enjoy. That and she only had a limited view on what anime was. I made it, showed it, and she enjoyed it. Not only did she like it, but many of my relitives enjoyed it as well, even though most of them didn't have much of a clue what anime was.
Even though it was a success, I now have to constantly listen to them talk on how I should make money off doing this or something related. Having to explain that making AMV's is a non-profit venture is a pain, especcially since it took so long making my first one. Sigh, such is the hardships of making AMV's. I think I read something about this in a earlier post as well.


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Post by Ashton » Tue Aug 13, 2002 10:30 pm

Vancore wrote:Even though it was a success, I now have to constantly listen to them talk on how I should make money off doing this or something related. Having to explain that making AMV's is a non-profit venture is a pain, especcially since it took so long making my first one. Sigh, such is the hardships of making AMV's. I think I read something about this in a earlier post as well.
Funny, I never really had a problem with this. My Mom does a lot of painting and other artistic type things so she really understands what it means to me to be artistically fulfilled. She is always my favorite critic because, like my Dad she looks at my vids with the completely "virgin" perspective that is so refreshing, and it cuts away all the BS of fans going ape over footage/music selection, but what makes her better at it than my Dad is the fact that she really understands how to pick apart things that reside below the surface. She can go that extra level deeper and pull out more meaning than the average person somehow, and usually understands what I was thinking when I constructed the scenes.
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Post by Sushi2 » Thu Aug 15, 2002 7:01 am

My parents don't really mind, I did show them some but they personally don't like anime or the type of music I there isn't anything I can really expect.

However they at least give some encouragement when I'm finding something difficult or say congrats when I finish a AMV.


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