Anyway, literally some 50+ girls in your school are lesbians? Wow. Maybe it's something in the water.
I went (and graduated early from) a science and tech magnet school, so the only girls there were lesbian computer geeks, who had nothing better to do than work on Linux machines, or Christian bisexuals who are into all that Jane Goodall, Greenpeace bullshit. The total school population was about 147-153 (I can't really remember), but the male to female ratio was 2:1.
As for the male population, they were all mostly teenage versions of Bill Gates, a few depressed and suicidal types, and the girly-type guys as I mentioned before, whose sole purpose is to become some girly clique's bitch. There were maybe five or six guys in there who actually were up to speed in social development, and they were too busy failing their classes, and getting lectures from the staff because of their crude humor.
For you to better understand the social dynamics of this pathetic school I'm sure got the hell out of, I have an interesting story. A day or two after the Columbine school shooting, a clique of the nerdy Bill Gates types got together, and composed a list of the top 10 students most likely to go postal, and gun everyone down. The guy on the number three spot was put there because he wore camo fatigues to school. The Christian bisexuals found it amusing, and contributed by adding those individuals who didn't fit into their bitchy, "teacher's pet", eco-terrorist group.
They put me first on their goddamn list. Of course, the teachers did nothing until I found out about the list, and mentioned "it offended me".
From my experiences throughout school, I have learned one thing: no one can be trusted, especially females. Negotiation or civilized resolution of problems with individuals is impossible with these people. Fear and intimidation are the tools people in high school and college use to get what they want, and they are more than willing to use Hitler Youth, and Red Guard Army tactics to ensure their enemies are purged. If one is to have the advantage, they must be ruthless, threatening, and more than willing to use violence to survive day to day.