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Post by alternatefutures » Tue Jul 01, 2003 5:41 pm

Zaliek wrote:Something to say to all those PC users out there, get out of our mac thread!
Ah, so if someone wants to know if they should buy a Mac, anyone who uses a PC should shut up? OK, just as long as I can apply this to other topics as well. So, if someone wants to know if the US going into Iraq was a good idea, anyone who is a dove or a peace protester should not participate in the debate. If I want to know about the benifits and consequences of a nationalized healthcare system, anyone who is against bigger government should remain quiet. Gotcha. Debate about the existance of God? Athiests need not apply. And CERTAINLY don't review any video on this site unless you only have GLOWING things to say about it, otherwise you have no buisness commenting.

Come to think about it, that policy absolutely sucks, but since I didn't agree with it I shouldn't have said anything. Whoops.

Joined: Wed Jun 04, 2003 6:52 pm
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Post by J89idsioss » Thu Jul 10, 2003 4:45 pm

He was orignally asking if he should get a laptop or a desktop the way I understood it. He wondered if it was a good idea to get a laptop or stick with a desktop.


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