So let's vote, is it another case of poor grammar, or pur shpeling?SSj-Nandez wrote:Not Let This Thread Lay Down And Die
So let's vote, is it another case of poor grammar, or pur shpeling?SSj-Nandez wrote:Not Let This Thread Lay Down And Die
Pwolf wrote:humans are more likely to steal clips then waffles... proven fact...
Mas is right even in with a squed at the songs it doesn't fit DBZMAS PRODUCTIONS wrote:My biggest problem with Linkin Ball Z vids is the fact that every video I have seen doesn't pay attention to the lyrics. Almost every LP song is based on love or breaking up with a girlfriend, I shall post lyrics from two of the more popular songs:
The sad thing is people use these songs for things like "Goku vs Freeza" and "Vegita". Mostly they are used because of the fast paced music and completely ignore the meaning of the lyrics.
revisedSpikez wrote:Mas is right even in with a squed "look" at the songs it doesn't fit DBZMAS PRODUCTIONS wrote:My biggest problem with Linkin Ball Z vids is the fact that every video I have seen doesn't pay attention to the lyrics. Almost every LP song is based on love or breaking up with a girlfriend, I shall post lyrics from two of the more popular songs:
The sad thing is people use these songs for things like "Goku vs Freeza" and "Vegita". Mostly they are used because of the fast paced music and completely ignore the meaning of the lyrics.
Pwolf wrote:humans are more likely to steal clips then waffles... proven fact...
There's no reason to let the thread die or start a new one, but it's dragged on pretty long.SSj-Nandez wrote:Becasue most every vidmaker out there think linkin park songs match so well with almsot every anime out there but they use the songs for the most liked anime dragonball z,i admit i have seen to good ones using dbz and linkin park Kamuis and By Myself-History Of Trunks but all the rest are horrible.Now People For The Love Of God Let My Thread Die!Start a new.
Pwolf wrote:humans are more likely to steal clips then waffles... proven fact...