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Post by dwchang » Tue Jul 15, 2003 4:43 pm

Ashyukun wrote:Something else to take into consideration for the automated system to watch for anomalies (if this isn't already done and I just missed it)- take into account the average rating of the video. If someone consistently just watches the top-100 page of the Top Star Scale and DLs just the videos that are there, they're likely going to have more 5's and such than someone just randomly DLing vids. If a bunch of videos they've reviewed have averages well over 4 and they've given all of them 1's, it would send up a warning flag of a possible anomalous rating behaviour.
I like this idea. It would definitely take care of those with malicious intent and not taking the grading seriously. Then again, I don't know how much work it would take to implement such a thing. I'd *imagine* it's just a few conditionals with # of stars, averages and score given.

At the same time, I think the inverse should be true too in that if a video has a ton of star-ratings and is rated extremely low and given an extremely high score. I guess what I'm getting at is standard deviations and whatnot.

At the same time, the argument can be made (and it's true) that people have different tastes and thus someone's crap is another person's Beethoven and so on. :shrug: It just goes to show that there is no perfect "grading" system. We can at least try though :).
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Post by Nappy » Thu Jul 17, 2003 1:46 am

I like anonimty, so I can keep giving dwchang 1's without his knowledge :O

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Post by dwchang » Thu Jul 17, 2003 9:09 am

Nappy wrote:I like anonimty, so I can keep giving dwchang 1's without his knowledge :O
/me stabs
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Post by SSJVegita0609 » Thu Jul 17, 2003 9:56 am

We need to establish some kind of universal meaning for each # of stars. Like, do you conisider 2 or 3 stars to be average? Is 3 stars a good video in your eyes? Do you give 5 stars to vids that are absolutely perfect, or close? etc.
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Post by dwchang » Thu Jul 17, 2003 3:11 pm

SSJVegita0609 wrote:We need to establish some kind of universal meaning for each # of stars. Like, do you conisider 2 or 3 stars to be average? Is 3 stars a good video in your eyes? Do you give 5 stars to vids that are absolutely perfect, or close? etc.
A 3 is average for me. It is the middle score (3rd out of 5). As for distuingishing. A good video gets a 4 and a great one a 5. Even if it's not perfect, I personally (my opinion) can distuingish is something is great rather than good. Same goes for 1 and 2...2 is for a video below average and a 1 for a video well-below average. I thought the reason behind this grading system was that it was fast and easy? :-P
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Post by Lyrs » Thu Jul 17, 2003 5:17 pm


i thought 1 was top.....


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The ones I can't read

Post by Ixiel » Thu Sep 04, 2003 3:06 pm

If I download a vid and can't read it (for whatever reason) what would you have me do? I have two such vids now, so it's not a problem, but isn't there a maximum unrated allowed? If so, I could see calling it 3 (closest score to actual statistical score of an undefined video, assuming an even distrobution) and I could see calling it 1 (A video I can't view isn't very enjoyable, now is it?) Thanks in advance, and sorry for being a newb hehe.


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