It won't happen, the public is currently rather displeased with him... Plus all the comedy shows are constantly bashing him, EVEN MORE than they made fun of the Clinton scandal, now THAT's saying something.MAS PRODUCTIONS wrote:Im really starting to worry about him getting another term in. All the democrat's look like dumb asses right now. Non of them look like presidential material. We need to get Perot back into the race, he was almost a comic relief for every election he was in.kthulhu wrote:Oh, I concur. However, there are plenty of other lousy leaders out there. Think about having the combined power of all them telling us what to doSSJVegita0609 wrote:Kthulhu... I would agree with most of your points if we currently had a president whom I felt was compitant in managing global affairs. However, we currently do not, and thus I have to disagree with you..
Take that, UN!
- SSJVegita0609
- Joined: Sat Aug 03, 2002 10:52 pm
- Location: Around...
The best effects are the ones you don't notice.
- the Black Monarch
- Joined: Tue Jul 09, 2002 1:29 am
- Location: The Stellar Converter on Meklon IV
The most awesomest gaming console evar!!!111!!Lyrs wrote:what's a dreamcast?![]()
Its power is on par with today's models, but it had better games and it came out two years before the Xbox and Gamecube. More proof that Sega was the master back in its day.
Disagreed.MAS PRODUCTIONS wrote:We have no right to boss any other country around.
Agreed.MAS PRODUCTIONS wrote: All the democrat's look like dumb asses right now. Non of them look like presidential material. We need to get Perot back into the race
Disagreed.MAS PRODUCTIONS wrote:he was almost a comic relief for every election he was in.
Agreed.Lyrs wrote:I think i actually would have voted for the guy.
Ask me about my secret stash of videos that can't be found anywhere anymore.
- kthulhu
- Joined: Thu May 30, 2002 6:01 pm
- Location: At the pony stable, brushing the pretty ponies
Are you talking about a pro-wrestler? Those guys are fake, anywaysMAS PRODUCTIONS wrote:We have no right to boss any other country around. Tell me something Kthulhu, if someone like say goldburg came and pushed you around and made you do whatever he said would you say that was fair?

It would depend on what he would want me to do, and more importantly, what the consequences are if I don't.
Just because he tells me to do something does not necessarily mean it's a bad thing. However, for the sake of argument, no, it's not fair. But YOU tell Goldberg that, especially if he's bigger and stronger than you.
You either wait until you can give him a nasty suckerpunch to make him pay (i.e. 9/11), or you get other people together to take him down.
I never said it was good or right. I explained why we are able to do so. Just because we are able to do so doesn't mean we always should, of course. It doesn't mean we always shouldn't, either. And I would say the US is far less egregious, historically and currently, than other nations in doing so.MAS PRODUCTIONS wrote:No one should boss anyone else around because they are stronger. Its just bullying. If you believe in peace and justice you would see that its wrong. And true other countries would probably step up to take advantage if we didn't, but just because we do doesn't make it right.
MAS PRODUCTIONS wrote: Im sorry if you dont feel this way, but I was raised to believe that doing the right thing was the correct thing to do in life, and pushing people around was wrong.
There's some gray area relativism, though. North Korea, for instance, feels that by having nukes, they will be stepping up and showing the big boys what's what, and that they can't be pushed around.
On the other hand, the US, China, Japan, South Korea, and Australia don't feel North Korea can or should handle nukes at this point in time. Is it wrong for these nations to tell the North that they don't want them to posess nukes, and is it wrong to utilize various methods of force to get their way - especially if they have a good reason to do so?
Yes.MAS PRODUCTIONS wrote:True we need to defend ourselves but using power to get our way is wrong.
I'm out...
- Joined: Tue Feb 12, 2002 8:27 pm
- roxanne
- Joined: Mon Jul 07, 2003 10:52 pm
- Location: Georgia
I do believe that there are some things in this world that are just not right. But the U.S. can't go around fixing the whole worlds problems forever. We should do what we can but I think we need to hold back when the time calls for it. I'm not saying that this is the time we should hold back but I'm not saying we should go shut down every organization that does wrong to the people untill there are not anymore either. All I am trying to say is that I wish we had people running our government that knew what they are doing. I'm not exactly a good source of information on how to run a country but it doesn't seem like we are doing a very good job right now.
Now I'm not that old but I am old enough to know that what our country is doing right now is going to effect how we live in the future. I don't think Bush is very concerned about that since he won't be around as long as some of us. Oops. I shouldn't have said that.
Now I'm not that old but I am old enough to know that what our country is doing right now is going to effect how we live in the future. I don't think Bush is very concerned about that since he won't be around as long as some of us. Oops. I shouldn't have said that.
- SSJVegita0609
- Joined: Sat Aug 03, 2002 10:52 pm
- Location: Around...
- the Black Monarch
- Joined: Tue Jul 09, 2002 1:29 am
- Location: The Stellar Converter on Meklon IV
- SSJVegita0609
- Joined: Sat Aug 03, 2002 10:52 pm
- Location: Around...
- the Black Monarch
- Joined: Tue Jul 09, 2002 1:29 am
- Location: The Stellar Converter on Meklon IV
Well, I think Dubya has done a pretty good job so far... but I don't consider him a "charismatic cowboy." Reagan was the "charismatic cowboy" and I think he was a dumbass.
Anyway... I support whoever keeps me safe from psycho third-world dictators with nukes. Given that guys like Reagan and Bush Sr. put guys like Osama and Saddam into power, I generally don't like them. Clinton didn't really clean up the mistakes of Reagan and Bush Sr., but he didn't put more psychos into power either, so he's okay. Actually, he helped get Slobodan Milosevic out of the way, so he gets my stamp of approval. Bush Jr., on the other hand, is out kicking ass and making the world safe for democracy, so he's my favorite of the bunch. Now, if he just started nuking random countries for the hell of it, then I'd have a problem with him.
Eh, they're all morons. Only moderate Independents know what they're doing. And the Natural Law party. And maybe Perot.
Okay, I've lost track of what my point was. Good night.
Anyway... I support whoever keeps me safe from psycho third-world dictators with nukes. Given that guys like Reagan and Bush Sr. put guys like Osama and Saddam into power, I generally don't like them. Clinton didn't really clean up the mistakes of Reagan and Bush Sr., but he didn't put more psychos into power either, so he's okay. Actually, he helped get Slobodan Milosevic out of the way, so he gets my stamp of approval. Bush Jr., on the other hand, is out kicking ass and making the world safe for democracy, so he's my favorite of the bunch. Now, if he just started nuking random countries for the hell of it, then I'd have a problem with him.
Eh, they're all morons. Only moderate Independents know what they're doing. And the Natural Law party. And maybe Perot.
Okay, I've lost track of what my point was. Good night.
Ask me about my secret stash of videos that can't be found anywhere anymore.
- Otohiko
- Joined: Mon May 05, 2003 8:32 pm
I don't usually resort to direct potty-mouthing, but - fuck Bush. Fuck Clinton. Fuck Blair. Fuck them all. The War Crimes tribunal where your Mr. Hero put Milosevich is a joke. Not until I see these three assholes, plus the NATO leadership, plus 'people' like Rumsfield, Powell, Albright, etc, etc, etc. will I accept whatever its judgement is on Milosevich. Any of these clowns is responsible for more innocent deaths than Osama, Milosevich, Saddam and the next dozen 'dictators' put together.
UN is a joke too, but I knew it was always secretly run by US influence, and were it to resist (as now happened) - it would get ditched. I just hope the US doesn't start thinking they can do anything now, that Europe realizes what assholes they keep trying to get in bed with, and that states like India and China keep developing into a true counterweight to this self-proclaimed superpower.
Well, you can tell I'm a little pissed today. Go ahead, be pissed back if you will...
UN is a joke too, but I knew it was always secretly run by US influence, and were it to resist (as now happened) - it would get ditched. I just hope the US doesn't start thinking they can do anything now, that Europe realizes what assholes they keep trying to get in bed with, and that states like India and China keep developing into a true counterweight to this self-proclaimed superpower.
Well, you can tell I'm a little pissed today. Go ahead, be pissed back if you will...
The Birds are using humanity in order to throw something terrifying at this green pig. And then what happens to us all later, that’s simply not important to them…