Otakon 2003 Creator Get-together (and stuff...)

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Post by BogoSort » Tue Jul 22, 2003 1:09 pm

Vlad G Pohnert wrote:Dwchang gets a ride from the airport!! Wow... all us other minons get stuck taking the lightrail :wink:
I'd offer people rides from the airport, if they happen to be arriving when I'm heading up to Baltimore on Thursday for prereg stuff. But then again... My car's rather small.

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Post by Ashyukun » Tue Jul 22, 2003 1:09 pm

Heh. Well, if he feels left out from the experience of the light rail system, I'm sure he'll take it instead. He gets a ride because he's splitting a room with me. Though I might have room for another editor or so in Hotaru, assuming they don't have a massive amount of stuff (well, OK, much of any stuff....).
Bob 'Ash' Babcock
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Vlad G Pohnert
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Post by Vlad G Pohnert » Tue Jul 22, 2003 2:22 pm

Ashyukun wrote:Heh. Well, if he feels left out from the experience of the light rail system, I'm sure he'll take it instead. He gets a ride because he's splitting a room with me. Though I might have room for another editor or so in Hotaru, assuming they don't have a massive amount of stuff (well, OK, much of any stuff....).
I know, don't worry, I'm just teasing ya! The light rail is quite fine and goes a block away from the holtel anyway :wink:


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Post by dwchang » Tue Jul 22, 2003 2:57 pm

Ashyukun wrote:And hopefully early enough to get through the lines in time to pick dwchang up at the airport if necessary.
Alright cool! I was talking to Meri/Mike also and I was unsure if you were giving me a ride (they offered as well).

I guess I'll go buy my plane ticket then. Unfortunately, it'll be arriving ~8:00 - 8:30 which is around pre-reg time, but I *hope* the airport is close and if we're in line prior to them closing...we can get our badges.

/me crosses fingers.

Sorry for coming so late, but...I gotta come into work for half-a-day so I don't use another vacation day (beating the system :-D).
Vlad G Pohnert wrote:Dwchang gets a ride from the airport!! Wow... all us other minons get stuck taking the lightrail :wink:

It's from all those fangirls :-P. Given. Ashyukun is not a fangirl, but I figured I'd say that since you give me crap about it :).
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Post by VicBond007 » Tue Jul 22, 2003 6:48 pm

I'd offer people rides from the airport, if they happen to be arriving when I'm heading up to Baltimore on Thursday for prereg stuff. But then again... My car's rather small.
Ditto on that. I'd offer shuttle service, but the mafia might want their car back so I can't park it outside for very long...
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Post by SarahtheBoring » Tue Jul 22, 2003 8:54 pm

I suppose you could be refering to people who are outgoing enough to attempt to meet a bunch of online personalities in person at Otakon.
No, I am being very direct: people who have a huge fame and following among AMV watchers. If you have some personal problem dealing with your own fame, that's not my fault. You created it.
But in that case, it's easy enough for you to show up and develop such a personality.
Yyyyes, because as we all know, one wins contests and gains worldwide recognizability because of showing up at one con without a video. :roll:

Look guys, if you're going to mock me, at least have some creativity. You know I have a point, or you'd be able to disprove it, now, wouldn't you. I guess you just have some kind of mental block against the fact that your videos are fucking huge.

Trust me, that kind of false modesty is annoying. But enjoy your meet 'n greets with the plebes and autograph signings and whatever else, guys. I'll be in the commoners' thread and won't bother you from now on. Okay? 8)

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Post by VicBond007 » Tue Jul 22, 2003 8:58 pm

Paizuri is pretty well known and he's never made an AMV in his life :D
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Post by Rinny » Tue Jul 22, 2003 9:03 pm

SarahtheBoring wrote:
I suppose you could be refering to people who are outgoing enough to attempt to meet a bunch of online personalities in person at Otakon.
No, I am being very direct: people who have a huge fame and following among AMV watchers. If you have some personal problem dealing with your own fame, that's not my fault. You created it.
But in that case, it's easy enough for you to show up and develop such a personality.
Yyyyes, because as we all know, one wins contests and gains worldwide recognizability because of showing up at one con without a video. :roll:

Look guys, if you're going to mock me, at least have some creativity. You know I have a point, or you'd be able to disprove it, now, wouldn't you. I guess you just have some kind of mental block against the fact that your videos are fucking huge.

Trust me, that kind of false modesty is annoying. But enjoy your meet 'n greets with the plebes and autograph signings and whatever else, guys. I'll be in the commoners' thread and won't bother you from now on. Okay? 8)
Anou...sumimasen kedo... this just sounds like self pity to me.

Just because there are people around you who have won AMV awards and you haven't doesn't mean you are unworthy of being in their presence. Just hush up, make some friends, and stop diverting this topic away from its original intent. Ok? :D

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Post by VicBond007 » Tue Jul 22, 2003 9:09 pm

Yyyyyep. I don't think Rinny's ever won anything, hell, she's the first AMV Weakest Link ever! (AnimeUSA. Ya'll shoulda been there) but that doesn't mean she doesn't chill with us and talk to everyone online! We're all one big happy family! Come on! Group hug!
"With free bagels we can live like Kings!...Kings who have to pay for their own castle in order to get the free bagels!" - Omar Jenkins

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Post by Rinny » Tue Jul 22, 2003 9:18 pm

VicBond007 wrote:Yyyyyep. I don't think Rinny's ever won anything, hell, she's the first AMV Weakest Link ever! (AnimeUSA. Ya'll shoulda been there) but that doesn't mean she doesn't chill with us and talk to everyone online! We're all one big happy family! Come on! Group hug!
It's true. I didn't know who Phade was. :?


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