Jeez... Looks like I hit a nerve. Without trying even. Usually I go to all sorts of effort to get that sort of reaction from people.SarahtheBoring wrote:Yyyyes, because as we all know, one wins contests and gains worldwide recognizability because of showing up at one con without a video. :roll:
Look guys, if you're going to mock me, at least have some creativity. You know I have a point, or you'd be able to disprove it, now, wouldn't you. I guess you just have some kind of mental block against the fact that your videos are fucking huge.
Trust me, that kind of false modesty is annoying. But enjoy your meet 'n greets with the plebes and autograph signings and whatever else, guys. I'll be in the commoners' thread and won't bother you from now on. Okay? 8)
False modesty? That'd imply that I had some significant amount of skill to show off. If I had that skill, I'd be winning all of the big amv contests, getting tons of trophies to show off my L33T amv making skillz. Fanboys and fangirls would be chasing me around, obeying my every whim. I'd be able to wave a hand, and animes would bow to my will and arrange themselves onto a timeline to make the ubervideos that make people drool on themselves.
As it stands now, my trophy shelf is bare, I have no minions to do my bidding, and I slave away for hours attempting to get Premiere to do what I want, and still never quite get there. These so called amv bigwigs seem to be getting put on pedistals to be worshipped. They are all merely people, or at least the ones that I've met anyways. If I'm one of these supposed bigwigs, then I'm missing out on some serious diefic power. Cause dude, the power of head-explody would come in real handy sometimes when some crazy soccer mom cuts me off in her gas guzzling SUV...
My point in all of my blabbing is that from what I can tell(though I am dense sometimes) there has been no attempt to exclude anyone from this gathering. Somehow in your mind, you're wallowing in self-pity, and this is manifesting itself in you deriding yourself publicly for attention and lashing out against people who are trying their best to be friendly towards you. Sure you might feel better about yourself if you decide to avoid coming to this gathering. You can tell yourself that everyone who felt like meeting was an elitist bastard, and that you are better than that. However, I think that if you take a chance and try attending such a gathering, you won't find a bunch of snobs cockfighting and bragging about their L33T skillz. Instead, I suspect that you'll find a group of fun interesting people to hang out with. Then again, I've never been to any of these such meetings, so I suppose I could be completely off track on this one.
Sorry if this isn't original at all. My brain's still in the mindset of my last video(which was, by design, banal, gaudy, and ultimately unoriginal).