AWA Compilation CD - Submit Now

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Red Wolf
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AWA Compilation CD - Submit Now

Post by Red Wolf » Wed Aug 14, 2002 9:16 am

I have been planning to burn CDs containing copies of my videos to give away at AWA this year. I currently only have two videos and at best I'll have three for the CD by AWA. This leaves a lot of wasted space on a CD so I've decide to offer that space, for free, to anyone who needs a way to get their own AMVs passed around at AWA. Preferably I would like to help out those people who either can't make it to AWA or don't have the technical or fiscal means to burn large amounts of CDs for their own videos. However I will take submissions from anyone interested.

I currently have 150 brand name 700MB/74 minute CD-Rs stockpiled. I am looking at getting another 100 CD-Rs this weekend for free (I love rebate offers). Because of the deals I purchased these at it will cost me $12-15 to give away those CDs with paper sleeves. Since I can afford $15 to spread my own videos I will be giving the CDs away for free.

Naturally full credit will be given to every creator and no video will be edited in anyway. The CD will include a text file which will include vital info on each video as well as a paragraph or two about the video from the creator. Until the CD is full every creator who submits will be given at least one video spot on the CD. The only exception to this is I will put my two, possibly three, videos on the CD. Since I'm forking out the money and the time to burn I figure that's fair.

Every video on the CD will be in standard MPEG-1 format so I would prefer submissions in that same format. However if you can't produce a good MPEG-1 I am willing to work with you. Submissions can be done by either pointing me to a web or FTP download, mailing in a CD, or even mailing me a VHS tape which I will convert to MPEG-1 format (quality is not guaranteed). You may submit as many videos as you like (more for my personal library) but in all likelihood only one video will make it to the CD so if you have one video you really want on there just send me that one.

If you're interested or have any questions either visit the AWA Compilation CD web site at or shoot me an email at I am only taking submissions through the end of August because of the time I'll need to burn 150-250 CDs by September 27. Please note that there is only about 400MB of space left available on the CD (I've been taking submissions for a few weeks now in the Convention forum) and it is first come first serve. If I end up with over 1GB of submissions I will considering doing two CDs but there will need to be a lot of submissions for me to justify cutting my distribution potential in half.

P.S. I have gotten the question from several people asking why I am doing this. Let me answer that question now. As I said, I was going to burn a lot of CDs for my own videos anyway so I'm not out any more money for this project. The way I see it, if I have a compilation CD full of a variety of AMVs then I might just get people looking for me and the CDs at the con rather than me having to force my CD upon unsuspecting fanboys. That's the benefit I get from my extra time and effort. The truth is I thought it would be a cool project to do and would help out people who were in technical or fiscal situations like I was less than a year ago.

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Tom the Fish
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Post by Tom the Fish » Wed Aug 14, 2002 9:36 am

Red Wolf wa Ichiban!!

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Post by RichLather » Wed Aug 14, 2002 11:13 am

Hey Wolf, you've contacted me before via email... I won't need to send you videotape anymore, since I've gotten a MiniDV camcorder with analog pass-through. I'd still like to submit a CD to you for inclusion.

Granted, they'll be MPEGs of years-old VHS AMVs, but hey... :o

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Red Wolf
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Post by Red Wolf » Wed Aug 14, 2002 2:43 pm

RichLather - Mailed in CDs are great...less work for me :D I'll shoot you another email.

Tom the Fish - I'm not sure but did you just bannish itching from me or something? Got your email and video, email on the way to you too.

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Post by Tom the Fish » Wed Aug 14, 2002 2:58 pm

Japanese for "You are the best!" Literally, you are number one....

I figure I should know _some_thing after having a Japanese tutor for over a year now (^_^;

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Post by bloodyfang » Wed Aug 14, 2002 3:45 pm

i don't have anything to submit but i will make sure to get someone to buy me a disc.

If only i could go to AWA ;_;
An ocean of dust and randomly strung together pieces of hydrogen, serving no purpose other than allowing all of us to continue in our misery, doomed to an enternity of petty squabbles and meaningless ego trips, until the whole thing one day explodes and starts the whole shebang all over again. - Chaos_Angel

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Red Wolf
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Post by Red Wolf » Wed Aug 14, 2002 3:48 pm

bloodyfang wrote:i don't have anything to submit but i will make sure to get someone to buy me a disc.
The CDs will be free give aways, no money required even :P Get your friend to tell me, "Give me one for Bloodyfang or else," and I'll get y'all hooked up.

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Post by bloodyfang » Wed Aug 14, 2002 3:59 pm

Red wolf is GOD!..........

oh wait read that wrong

Red-Wolf is da Cod

yesterday at lunch they were serving Crispy Cod Nuggets i'm not joking
An ocean of dust and randomly strung together pieces of hydrogen, serving no purpose other than allowing all of us to continue in our misery, doomed to an enternity of petty squabbles and meaningless ego trips, until the whole thing one day explodes and starts the whole shebang all over again. - Chaos_Angel


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