Divx Encoding
- staticninja
- Joined: Thu Oct 25, 2001 3:02 pm
Divx Encoding
i have seen some videos and some anime come off the net that looks as good as it would on a dvd now does any one know which version of divx they used and what settings? would like to get some of my captures to look THAT good.
- turboneko
- Joined: Fri Feb 23, 2001 3:32 am
- Location: Foxboro, MA
They may seem to look good but, believe me, DVD quality is sooooo much higher 
You may try to read ErMaC's guide on this site or just refer to Doom9 in the guides section. And remember, the higher the bitrate the better (usually) the quality[/url]

You may try to read ErMaC's guide on this site or just refer to Doom9 in the guides section. And remember, the higher the bitrate the better (usually) the quality[/url]
You should never underestimate the predictability of stupidity.
- Sub0
- Joined: Fri Nov 16, 2001 4:32 pm
- Location: a small cabin on the edge of sanity
I agree, remember it's HIGHLY doubtful that the thing has AC3 encoding... but I can't confirm, though I've seen AWESOME rips I can hardly tell between stereo and mono sound let alone AC3 etc...turboneko wrote:They may seem to look good but, believe me, DVD quality is sooooo much higher
You may try to read ErMaC's guide on this site or just refer to Doom9 in the guides section. And remember, the higher the bitrate the better (usually) the quality[/url]
also real dvd footage can be rewound faster and when you do, you don't usually have to wait for the video stream too catch up...
Anyway as far as video is concerned it's probly DivX 4, 2-pass encode at a 2000 bitrate and at like 720x480 straight off the disc. Anyway this' just a guess but ;-p
- RadicalEd0
- Joined: Mon Jun 24, 2002 2:58 pm
You can very easily encode completely artifact free with RealVideo 9 @ 768 kbps (320x240). XviD is good stuff too and I'd guess most of what you're talking about was encoded with Nandub and tweaked to death, which isnt fun. The best quality codec for anime is clearly real 9 though, real 8 was even better than most other codecs back in its day.
- RadicalEd0
- Joined: Mon Jun 24, 2002 2:58 pm
- Lord of the Dance
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- Sub0
- Joined: Fri Nov 16, 2001 4:32 pm
- Location: a small cabin on the edge of sanity
hehehe a smarty newbie ;-p I gotta try that XviD (DivX backwards ;-p).... and to tell you the truth, this Real9 is new too me.... if it has anything to doo with RealMedia I shall have to choke someone ;-pRadicalEd0 wrote:ah sub you replied while I was writing, I doubt its DivX 4 as that was never really a great codec, DivX 3 with SBC beat it pretty easily.
- RadicalEd0
- Joined: Mon Jun 24, 2002 2:58 pm
Gah. What the |autodub| is with you people and RealNetworks. GET OVER IT. There is no spyware anymore O.O RealVideo 9 is the best out there for encoding anime. What happened with Beta? The superior format lost because of stupid people issues. You gonna do that to Real? Fine, but my videos'll look better than yours o.o
- Beowulf
- Joined: Wed Feb 27, 2002 9:41 pm
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que? I've heard nothing of this.RadicalEd0 wrote:Gah. What the |autodub| is with you people and RealNetworks. GET OVER IT. There is no spyware anymore O.O RealVideo 9 is the best out there for encoding anime. What happened with Beta? The superior format lost because of stupid people issues. You gonna do that to Real? Fine, but my videos'll look better than yours o.o
Is it really good for encoding? I could give a shit about spyware if it encodes better than divx which is currently the leader of the compression pack. Does it? If so gimme statistics and comperisons!
- merrow
- Joined: Mon Aug 20, 2001 2:52 pm
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I'm terrible with numbers and stats, and this isn't meant to pimp my videos, but if you want to see a comparison of what realplayer can do take a look at my "Into Night" Utena video http://www.animemusicvideos.org/legacy/video.php?v=6915. The .AVI version (encoded in divx 3.1 following ermac's guide) has a bitrate of 230 and is 60 mgs, the .RM (rp8 encoded) has a bitrate of 650 and is only 23 mb. I'm always much happier with the way my .RMs look over my other encodes.
Realmedia's stuff always gets a bad rap. Some of it's deserved. I *don't* like their player, it's a bit of a hog and I don't like propritery stuff. But most of the bad rap it's gotten is from its earlier efforts when the program did have spyware and the encodes looked awful. It's still really easy to make a bad .RM. It's just about as easy as it is to make a bad .AVI.
The main advantage to .RMs is the ability to make a decent looking file at a very small size. RMs enable me to make my videos available on the limited bandwith and space I have on my website, where I wouldn't be able to if I had them all in .AVI (though I do provide those via a personal ftp).
Realmedia's stuff always gets a bad rap. Some of it's deserved. I *don't* like their player, it's a bit of a hog and I don't like propritery stuff. But most of the bad rap it's gotten is from its earlier efforts when the program did have spyware and the encodes looked awful. It's still really easy to make a bad .RM. It's just about as easy as it is to make a bad .AVI.
The main advantage to .RMs is the ability to make a decent looking file at a very small size. RMs enable me to make my videos available on the limited bandwith and space I have on my website, where I wouldn't be able to if I had them all in .AVI (though I do provide those via a personal ftp).