Time for a dumb video rant! Bring the flames!

General discussion of Anime Music Videos
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Post by CaTaClYsM » Wed Aug 13, 2003 3:21 am

how much more do import's cost than their US couterparts?
So in other words, one part of the community is waging war on another part of the community because they take their community seriously enough to want to do so. Then they tell the powerless side to get over the loss cause it's just an online community. I'm glad people make so much sense." -- Tab

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Post by Dannywilson » Wed Aug 13, 2003 3:44 am

CaTaClYsM wrote:how much more do import's cost than their US couterparts?
Average 60-200%
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Post by Warpwind » Wed Aug 13, 2003 4:58 am

Just felt like adding my own 2 cents...

I think the main problem is that people come here as a place to distribute their vids without having to fork out any money. They upload the vid first and then come hunting around the forums for opinions/praise/whatever and find out that people care a lot about quality/subs/originality.. etc. So they don't look at the guides or anything until after their vid is hosted here. They are ignorant, don't know anything and upload their vid expecting some sort of positive feedback. It's only when they don't get it that they might look at the guides but at this point they may be so pissed that they leave and never come back. (Which some may argue is a good thing but I won't)

I think it would be a good idea to extend the two week waiting period to uploading videos as well... any thoughts?

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Post by SarahtheBoring » Wed Aug 13, 2003 6:20 am

Everyone, I'd like to introduce you to my friend pity-party, now who's for tea and crumpets?
My "taking my toys and going home" comment was a joke. I thought the eyeroll smiley would communicate that. ;P Joke, guys. JOKE.

A pity party would be whining that nobody gives me good ops and demanding that they give me good ops or I won't make any more videos. I'm just saying I'm sick of people misusing the op system and giving the org a nasty, competitive atmosphere. I can't change people's minds and convince them that OMG, this isn't a contest!, so I'm dropping out of the "race" that they refuse to stop running. That's all. I'm going to keep making videos; I am just sick of the atmosphere here and I don't want to be a part of it.

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Post by SarahtheBoring » Wed Aug 13, 2003 6:33 am

Oh, and as for the Dire Problems of Being 1337, I have a great song idea for ya.

Lifestyles of the rich and the famous, they're always complainin', always complaaaaaainin'
If money's such a problem... got so many problems
Think I could solve them


[WARNING: Joke. Metaphor too.]

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Post by AbsoluteDestiny » Wed Aug 13, 2003 6:59 am

Sarah - I hope you're entering AWA Expo. If there's ever a place where competitiveness is a silly idea its there because categories are created for the videos rather than the other way around :)

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Post by stormybaka » Wed Aug 13, 2003 7:30 am

I was thinking of submitting my latest vid into a contest. Just not sure if it's good enough.. Maybe next one.

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Post by Dannywilson » Wed Aug 13, 2003 7:55 am

Holy crap... I just realized... This has become Sppanda's "The attitudes of AMV creators" thread from 8-9 months ago... Ladies and gentlemen, we have come full circle. Unless an interesting point comes up, I'm bowing out.

And Sarah, no hard feelings, k? I'm not here to make enemies with anyone. I was venting as much as you are. Feels good, ne? Good luck with any future endeavors, I'd hate to see pillar forum member bow out.
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Re: d

Post by Nemoxs » Wed Aug 13, 2003 8:26 am

fyrtenheimer wrote:Dinorowajsusauusr?
Nemoxs wrote:
fyrtenheimer wrote:This whole thread is pathetic. The fact that you think you have the audacity to bring it to everyone's attention the many 'flaws' of this person's video. What right have you? None.

Yeah, let's all make the same kind of video. Let's all just put up our videos to become number one. Let's all try to make the best video. Critics are fine, whatever. But I think most people have lost the meaning of all this in the first place. And other people take all the fun out of it. Man, if I were to do something like this it'd be branded some sort of 'trolling' of mine.

What the fuck are you talking about?

True everyone has a diffrent opinion, but most people dont stop to think, that sometimes people have fun being number 1, if it makes them happy to win, then damnit, let him. I'm not stoping anyone from trying, Infact I gotta admit I'd like to see people get alot of enjoy ment outta my videos.

You're crazy. I think people like critasiem, I know I do when it comes to my videos, I like to know whats wrong with them, so that next time I can improve.

And maybe one day. Become really good so people like my videos and get a smile when they watch them.
Uh yeah that's great. But if that's you're only purpose then why the fuck are you here. You obviously didn't get nething I posted.

Ladies and gentle men, if you will look to the right you will see the elusive "Bitch'o'soures".

You're a moron, don't even talk, I swear to god, I said and I quote.

"And maybe one day. Become really good so people like my videos and get a smile when they watch them."

If thats not your goal, then get the fuck outta here.

No I correct myself cause I also said that people have diffrent reasons for making videos, maybe it just makes you happy to do something where you're sitting infront of a computer for hours, I personaly don't know and I personaly don't care, Thats your life, but you can't go around treating people like shit just because they dont share your "enlightined" point of view.

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Post by Nemoxs » Wed Aug 13, 2003 8:35 am

FirestormXIII wrote:
Castor Troy wrote:When did editing japanese cartoons to music turn into such a pity party? :?
Since someone made a website revolving around them, and damn near 100,000 people joined :O

96280 (This morning XD)

By next month we should have reached the 100,000 marker. Go phade :P


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