I saw a bit of discussion somewhere back there regarding the likes and dislikes of people, the eternal irony of creating crap that other people love and how to walk that fine line between pleasing yourself and pleasing others.
As far as story is concerned, most are just varients on the same themes. From culture to culture, you will inevitably find that stories follow certain paths from which the views can be vastly different, but the destination is the same. So when a story/AMV is made that just might be crap in the author's eyes, but others still love it, no doubt it has enough of an identifiable theme for people to latch onto. Same things goes for wildly original AMVS/stories that may have been beautifully created, but just aren't something people recognize as an attractive story.
Ever write something that you just love to death and, yet, your creative writing professor condemns as "indecipherable, confused and contorted?" (YES, I am bitter). What makes a truly GOOD creative mind is balancing originality with the familiar, old wine in new bottles kinds of things.
You know what I really hated about that professor? He was... kinky, and we all knew it and it freaked us out. The last class of the term he "treated" us to a reading of one of his own stories... our eyes must have been going BOINNNNGGGG in horror at all the blatant analogies, insinuations and outright language he used. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if someday he's hauled off for making snuff films or something. <----- just getting back on topic of porn