Dirk_Temporo wrote:I have the XP version of WMM(whichever that is) and sometimes it will crash when I play certain parts of certain videos I made. One of them was a Final Fantasy video. It always crashed at the same part in the video. The same scene. And whenever I tried to record the video, it would crash. The same thing is happening with a Samurai X video I'm making. I brought the Final Fantasy video project over a friend's house and it recorded fine. Anyone know what's wrong?
What's in the scene that makes it crash? If you're talking about the timeline you've made (and you're using 2.0 - that's the version with effects, 1.0 has none), it could have to do with the effects in that particular section. But when you say 'crash' do you mean it locks up and you have to reset it, or that it cancels itself (during export) and won't produce the vid?
If it's in the timeline, with no effects and it just stops on a certain scene it could have to do with the source - an error in your source file (like at a certain clip where the original compression messed up) can kill wmm. I'd try playing your original source file (avi?) in windows media player or winamp - if it can't play or it halts at the same spot, you'll know it's a problem and you can just rerip that footage.
If you're importing vids you've put together somewhere else and trying to play them *inside* wmm, then you're killing yourself already. There are codec issues (some won't play in wmm) and all sorts of bugs that can come from trying this. But I don't know if that's what you mean here.
Either way, check the source. If you're using game footage, try playing the original avi file in a regular movie player and see if it goes through all the way. Check the codec you used and see if it works with wmm - hufyuv is error prone (too large a source for wmm to handle, good quality but you'll have trouble with it), but lead compression (old, not too bad) works fine and gives small size (and okay quality if you're producing to wmv.
Just tell me more about the source, the nature of the clip (or frames) the program is getting caught on, and what you mean by 'crash'.
Dirk_Temporo wrote:BTW, he has the ME version of WMM.
Who is the 'he' - you mean the last person I talked to? I've used the milenium version if that's what you mean by ME, and it's basically the same as wmm 1.0 - fewer crashes and no effects.