AX2002 AMV Finalists

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Post by TnAdct1 » Tue Jul 02, 2002 4:49 pm

MaboroshiStudio wrote:
Castor Troy wrote:
Death Violence and Hate (in an All-Girls Dormitory with a Hot
Spring) - Senta Miller
That took up 2 lines so it probably threw a few people off.
Action??? man and I felt bad for entering my Sweating Bullets in as a Drama at Otakon... sure your video as a lot of action, but Acen it was the funniest video there. I am sorry, but putting that video into action imho is a grossly wrong since it uses the action to produce the COMEDY.
I meant for it to be a fun action video but we'll see the reaction at AX...

Sorry... I don't think it is a borderline video at all and I feel that it is unfair to the other ture hardcore action videos especially at AX. Not that I am in the contest... but you have already entered it to how many cons?
Well, at the Otakon pre-screenings, before it became a "non-competing" video, Dragon Bebop Z was listed as "Uncertain", considering how the video had both action and comedy in it.

Joe Klemm

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Post by Castor Troy » Tue Jul 02, 2002 4:54 pm

Well, at the Otakon pre-screenings, before it became a "non-competing" video, Dragon Bebop Z was listed as "Uncertain", considering how the video had both action and comedy in it.
lol, I listed "uncertain" on the Otakon entry form. Now I'm confused what I've made :shock:
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Post by MonkeyGoD » Tue Jul 02, 2002 5:36 pm

Well, my Akira vid managed to make the finals even though it was a Linkinpark one(Controlling Afflictions). Maybe one of the judges is a Linkinpark fan, or maybe my video is actually pretty good. I'd like to the think the latter.

Im up against 2 Vlad vids in the Action category, so that pretty much dims my hope of winning. But its ok, im ecstatic enough just to have my vid be in the finals :D Anyhow, congrats to all the finalists and good luck!

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Post by TokyoU15 » Tue Jul 02, 2002 5:56 pm

bummer, I didn't make it. Oh well! THose were old vids anyway! tehehehe. Congrats to the winners and good luck the day of the contest!
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Post by OtakuOutpost » Tue Jul 02, 2002 7:04 pm

Well I'm just glad we didn't have to lay waste to too many more small furry animals.

(maybe a few will get this? maybe not.)

As far as the contest goes, well have to see for ourselves how good the prejudging was. It's just a shock to see people who's videos have made AX's screen 4 years running not even make the cut. That's either a testiment to good unbiased judging, or a major fuckup.

I'm happy to see a lot of new names grace the board, but I'm also going to miss competing against some of my long time AMV friends.


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Post by ErMaC » Tue Jul 02, 2002 8:05 pm

Sadly none of my videos made the cut. One of my videos (my comedy, the Initial D video) was disqualified for content, apparently. Of course they never told me this until the very end, and I don't think it deserves disqualification, but blah.

I'm disappointed that my other two videos didn't make it in, but I can always enter them to AWA, and I still get to see a whole bunch of great videos. There's always next year.

I'm very anxious to see what videos managed to beat out mine. I'm kinda with Tony here - there could be some serious weird stuff going on. Brad's not on the list, Eric Kobet's not on the list (although I don't know if Eric entered anything, I know Brad did)... very surprising. Oh well. Congrats to all those that made the finals.

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Post by MaboroshiStudio » Tue Jul 02, 2002 8:30 pm

OtakuOutpost wrote:Well I'm just glad we didn't have to lay waste to too many more small furry animals.

(maybe a few will get this? maybe not.)

As far as the contest goes, well have to see for ourselves how good the prejudging was. It's just a shock to see people who's videos have made AX's screen 4 years running not even make the cut. That's either a testiment to good unbiased judging, or a major fuckup.

I'm happy to see a lot of new names grace the board, but I'm also going to miss competing against some of my long time AMV friends.

I didn't enter... hehe maybe a lot of the big names decided not to send anything to AX. It wasn't my choice since I was still in my forced retirement, but then again I have never picked any bones about the AX contest. I have always felt the AX staff did improper things to influence the outcome... was it 1999 or 2000 where they positioned the videos in with the one they wanted to win last in each category? No contest is perfect and AX is far from it and has been for a couple years now. Yes AX is the biggest con and you have a huge audience to show your video to, but the Honeymoon is over and hopefully people will stop holding the AX amv contest in such high regard. (Note these are just my opinions)

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Post by Schu no ko » Tue Jul 02, 2002 8:55 pm

Y'know, thinking about it, I'm glad that my video didn't make it into finals. It has shonen-ai overtones and thus all my audience for it will be at the Yaoi panel (and if I didn't have a video entered and I was 18, I'd be there too...)

And I think its good that there's a mix of new people in with the classic creators. It's interesting to see new styles.

Can't wait to watch the contest! It'll be great!
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Post by dokidoki » Tue Jul 02, 2002 9:08 pm

Hot off the ML... The tenth comedy entry:

Excel Scat - Anthony Peiper

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Post by Fluxmeister » Tue Jul 02, 2002 11:31 pm

dokidoki: "He'll kick your ass like a looter in a riot."

(lol, where'd that come from??)


I would be a dumb looter if I took the time to fight someone when I
could be jacking a new TV that I don't have to hit with a broomstick
everytime it decides to stop displaying the color blue. :wink:
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