Where do you go to buy your CDs?

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Jace Tsunami
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Post by Jace Tsunami » Mon Sep 01, 2003 1:19 pm

Propyro wrote:HMV (the DVD nazi's) and Sunrise Records. Sunrise usualy has a pretty good selection and decent prices. I don't buy stuff online yet, but that may change.

buying music online means you have to wait for it.

I only ever buy offline if it's a preorder where get extra stuff, and it'll be here by the release date, or if it's a cd I don't care too much about and I have extra money in my account.


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Post by Propyro » Mon Sep 01, 2003 1:22 pm

Jace Tsunami wrote:
Propyro wrote:HMV (the DVD nazi's) and Sunrise Records. Sunrise usualy has a pretty good selection and decent prices. I don't buy stuff online yet, but that may change.{/b}


buying music online means you have to wait for it.

I only ever buy offline if it's a preorder where get extra stuff, and it'll be here by the release date, or if it's a cd I don't care too much about and I have extra money in my account.

that was sort of a general comment that didn't just pretain to music. There are some things that are impecably hard to find in any stores in brampton. Ev, Tool - Salival box set ... fucking impossible to get, even though HMV advertises it on their website you think they'd be able to order it? no ... fucking turds.


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Post by Chaos Angel » Mon Sep 01, 2003 1:31 pm

Plugging the band name into Google or any search engine will usually turn up a band page where you can order stuff directly. You can also shop around to find good prices.

I generally try to buy used CDs lately, for which the aforementioned Amazon.com has been very good for, at least in my experience.
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Post by milatchi » Mon Sep 01, 2003 7:26 pm

I go to a small independant store called "Slipdisc". "Slipdisc" usually has the rare and indie stuff at decent prices(no cd is over $15.99).

If its something new I usually go to BestBuy.
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Post by ithaqua » Mon Sep 01, 2003 10:18 pm

HMV still suprises me with what they carry sometimes. Except that one in Metrotown mall in Vancouver. I don't what the hell is up with that particular store.

Amazon is good, I like going directly to label online stores, like waxploitation and Positron.
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Post by hoshi_hua » Sat Sep 06, 2003 10:59 pm

I go to Best Buy, Wal-Mart, and Circuit City usually when I wanna buy a CD. Or, if it's from an Asian artist, I order it online at yesasia.com. That's a great site for Asian music. ^_^


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Post by Rozard » Sat Sep 06, 2003 11:11 pm

I usually check Best Buy. If I can, though, I'll buy it used at CD Warehouse or Specs.
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Post by MetalWolf » Tue Sep 09, 2003 12:45 am

A local store called "Sound Sollutions" is where I usually order my CDs, at least there when I say "Iced Earth" they wont say "huh?(in confusion)". When all else fails I order from amazon, or when I get the chance to go to West Edmonton Mall I just go to the HMV there and buy from there.

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Post by SSJ3Gotenks » Tue Sep 09, 2003 10:16 am

well, i usually just download songs from kazaa and burn them or put them in my MP3 player...but if youre bent on buying the CD's...ususally if you go to BIG stores such as Best Buy or Virgin Mega-Store, they usually have a very wide variety of CD's. You can also ask around for a music store that sells underground music CD's, if that's what your looking for.
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Post by Lyrs » Tue Sep 09, 2003 11:56 am

I buy from garage sales....yeah for the good ol' stuff.
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