Any News of AWA Winners?

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Post by dwchang » Mon Sep 29, 2003 5:12 pm

Not to pop anyone's bubble, but at the awards ceremony I don't remember seeing Zarxrax's Doujin Addiction or Jebadia's Fire videos played. The others I remembered and the awards.

I could be wrong or perhaps they just didn't show them because of time. I am 99.9% sure they didn't show them and announce anything at the ceremony like they did for the videos they couldn't show b/c of content (Moneyshot). I'd imagine he would've announecd it with those. Then again, Paul did work with Wagner so *shrug*.

Hopefully I'm wrong.
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Lonley Driver
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Post by Lonley Driver » Mon Sep 29, 2003 5:28 pm

At the award ceremony atleast, there wasn't a best various for Expo, and a vandread video won best techo. I should have taken notes. :(


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Post by Dannywilson » Mon Sep 29, 2003 5:31 pm

Red Wolf wrote:Best Instrumental - Keitaro Bossa Nova
For the record, I hate this video.

Thank you.
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Post by Zarxrax » Mon Sep 29, 2003 5:49 pm

Hmmm, so... i didn't win anything now? It's oh so confusing :|

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Post by dwchang » Mon Sep 29, 2003 5:50 pm

Zarxrax wrote:Hmmm, so... i didn't win anything now? It's oh so confusing :|
You definitely won an award for your smooth criminal video. I know that much. As I said the Techno and Various are the ones I'm pretty sure on since there was no announcement at the awards ceremony.
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Post by Pwolf » Mon Sep 29, 2003 5:59 pm

Jebadia wrote:What the flippidy fuck....
Best Techno - Fire!!
Best Horror - Miternatch


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Post by SQ » Mon Sep 29, 2003 6:21 pm

dwchang wrote:Not to pop anyone's bubble, but at the awards ceremony I don't remember seeing Zarxrax's Doujin Addiction or Jebadia's Fire videos played. The others I remembered and the awards.

I could be wrong or perhaps they just didn't show them because of time. I am 99.9% sure they didn't show them and announce anything at the ceremony like they did for the videos they couldn't show b/c of content (Moneyshot). I'd imagine he would've announecd it with those. Then again, Paul did work with Wagner so *shrug*.

Hopefully I'm wrong.
They played everything except Moneyshot and one other (Excessive gor??) because of content. They played everything else that won something.

However, they didn't have enough time to show all the Pro or Masters videos because of time...
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Post by dwchang » Mon Sep 29, 2003 6:31 pm

SQ wrote:
dwchang wrote:Not to pop anyone's bubble, but at the awards ceremony I don't remember seeing Zarxrax's Doujin Addiction or Jebadia's Fire videos played. The others I remembered and the awards.

I could be wrong or perhaps they just didn't show them because of time. I am 99.9% sure they didn't show them and announce anything at the ceremony like they did for the videos they couldn't show b/c of content (Moneyshot). I'd imagine he would've announecd it with those. Then again, Paul did work with Wagner so *shrug*.

Hopefully I'm wrong.
They played everything except Moneyshot and one other (Excessive gor??) because of content. They played everything else that won something.

However, they didn't have enough time to show all the Pro or Masters videos because of time...
Yeah, but were you saying Doujin Addiction and Fire were shown or not? Because I was there the whole time and thought I saw all the awards other than the two you mentioned (due to content). Maybe I fell asleep or something *shrug*.
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Post by SQ » Mon Sep 29, 2003 6:42 pm

well, I don't remember. I was kind of drifting off near the Pro videos. What's Doujin Addiction again? I know I've never seen it before, I might have seen it at the con sometime(maybe Iron Chef)... I remember talking about it and Devo making fun of me for never seeing it before... Or maybe that was Failed expirements... bah..

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Post by rubyeye » Mon Sep 29, 2003 6:42 pm

WalterScott wrote: Vic Bond won Masters with a Haibane Renmei vid.
You know...I feel like he has just completely destroyed the magic of what I love about Haibane Renmei. It's a technically superior video (great, he knows how to do After Effects, whoop dee doo). And it's a wonderful depiction of the darker side of the story but ... it's just so wrong.

Something about it is just not right. Too much of a 'Euphoria' clone maybe - seizure inducing flashes? I totally disagree with his opinion that this music should have been for the series. But it's certainly deserving of winning the Masters.


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