by SSJVegita0609 » Thu Oct 16, 2003 12:37 am
This thread is making me depressed, I miss those good times, not that the current times are particularly bad, in a year I bet I'll miss these times. Anyways...
I remember:
The Leesburg Crew (Roke, Bucket, Temjin, Kamoc, HCP, TC, etc inc)
My original People I Respect list in my sig and getting something like 20 PMs a week of people asking me to add them.
The N00b Kitchen
Trying to be as nice to n00bs as AJ
Sppamda talking to himself
Darkyre's art
Gfx Con (maybe I should do another one)
The Town of
Jbone being a loveable Prick
EC being nice when he first joined, THEN turning into a loveable prick
Koop in the chat... ALL the time.
The flashing border Rei avatars
Xmas avatars
My first op exchange with The Mad Hatter (oh lordy)
The opinion exchange game (AWESOME concept)
The captions game (NOT-AS-AWESOME-AS-OP-EXCHANGE-BUT-CLOSE concept)
Anyways... Yeah, I'm spent.
The best effects are the ones you don't notice.