I've realised something about Gundam Wing...

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Post by DJ_Izumi » Sat Nov 08, 2003 2:49 pm

Heero_Yuy84 wrote: Anyways...Izumi, you forgot one more stereotype Wing plays off of (one which has gotten pretty annoying of late) the glut of 'pretty' characters
Well, as I understood it, Gundam Wing was just a spin off to suck in a new breed of Japanese kids, wanting the pretty boys, and fast furious action. Basicly, Gundam Wing being the Backstreet Boys or N*Sync of the Gundam universe. I enjoyed 0083 of them all myself, but I would never call myself a 'die hard' Gundam fan.

Actually... I'm a die hard Patlabor: The Mobile Police fan. Mmm, Patlabor. :)

Lets see how many of you young punk ingrates even KNOW what Patlabor is. :|

...Oh my god, I'm only 20, and I'm too old for my own generation. =X

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Post by OzzieArcane » Sat Nov 08, 2003 3:11 pm

DJ_Izumi wrote:
)v(ajin Koji wrote:Dragon Ball Z is worse and more widely known =/
No, because the anime stereo type involves Giant Robots. Sure DBZ is better known, but anime is known for it's Giant Robots. Remember the early brought over series? Robotech, Transformers, Astroboy? Robots, robots, ROBOTS!
Transformers Generation 1 is not anime. It is an american cartoon based off of japanese toys. Although everything that came after that originated in japan from what I understand(Robots in Disguise, Armada)
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Post by BishounenStalker » Sat Nov 08, 2003 3:26 pm

Yeah, I'm terribly guilty of liking it. I have to credit it for introducing me to the entire Gundam saga. But after seeing the original MSG, CCA, 0080: WitP, and the first two episodes of both Seed and X, Wing has slipped VERY far down the list. I won't necessarily say it outright sucks, because there are certain aspects of it I like (like the political boxing matches). But let's just say I definitely realize the rest of the Gundam saga kicks its tailrockets from here to 2008.

As for being a stereotype, what anime out there DOESN'T breed off an anime stereotype? Whether it be spurting arteries, exploding heads, big guns, big swords, giant robots, mindless fighting, pretty girls, short skirts, stupid attack names, etc.

Yes, there are FAR worse anime out there than Gundam Wing that have been marketed into oblivion. Most of which have already been named (although I'm surprised everyone forgot the horror that is SD Gundam. If ANYTHING makes the Gundam saga look like idiotic drivel, it's THAT).

And I don't know about anyone else, but I found the idea of homonal 15-year-old boys being allowed to fly "The Most Powerful Mobile Suits the Military Has Ever Seen" a little disturbing. One would think they might get somebody...y'know...older, more mature, and more experienced in the cockpit?

Not to mention the effeminate character designs kind of bugged me, too. One would think qualifications to fly a Gundam would include peak physical condition (hell, it works with modern aviation. Including space flight). Not slight teenage boys.
Heero_Yuy84 wrote:Anyways...in closing, does the series suck...IMO yes (yes, yes, we all see the irony in my username...)
Heh heh, I see the irony in mine, too. But I stalk bishounen and give them plastic surgery to make them look more male....
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Post by tagarth » Tue Nov 11, 2003 6:36 am

Well, if it weren't for Gundam Wing, I woulden't have gotten into anime frankly. I had my quams with the show, but american shows (And I'm not just talking bout' the cartoons) just didn't have what it had (Minus Babylon 5). I wanted to know if all japanese anime was like this. So I watched DBZ, HATED IT! Almost got me off it. Pokemon, Digimon, they were all that came on TV, but I coulden't even finish an episode. Then I got the Gundam Wing tapes, and they reminded me how good anime can be.

Now, I have watched a million other anime shows, and Gundam Wing isn't my fave any more, but I still watch the old tapes, and can't help but get a slight tear in my eye, and I begin to say..... THANK YOU GOD!

And hey, I love Patlabor, though I have only seen the movies.
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Post by Alex_Dragon » Tue Nov 11, 2003 11:49 am

(although I'm surprised everyone forgot the horror that is SD Gundam. If ANYTHING makes the Gundam saga look like idiotic drivel, it's THAT).
I was under the impression that show was made to be a joke not to be taken seriously.But if I'm wrong then yes its suck far above the others.But even though I like it G Gundam is kind of out there too.

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Post by SQ » Tue Nov 11, 2003 6:13 pm

Alex_Dragon wrote:
(although I'm surprised everyone forgot the horror that is SD Gundam. If ANYTHING makes the Gundam saga look like idiotic drivel, it's THAT).
I was under the impression that show was made to be a joke not to be taken seriously.
As did I. Which is why I like SD Gundam. It makes me laugh. =p
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Post by Arigatomina » Tue Nov 11, 2003 9:00 pm

Yes, I'm another who was drug into anime through Gundam Wing - namely because it was the second anime I got to watch straight through (after Sailor Moon - spare me the rolling of eyes). It's flawed, but no worse than many other anime I can think of. And blaming Relena (the bane of most gw fans) is like saying Escaflowne sucks because Hitomi is a plain-looking annoyance who falls for any guy who looks at her except the one who loves her most. She's one character - there's a lot more to the anime than just her, unfortunately as the main star (the girl), she drags it down the most.

I don't like Gundam Wing much these days, mostly because I don't have it all in Japanese and I'm spoiled to the point where I won't watch my dubbed tapes anymore. But I still like the anime as a whole. It's flashy and full of action, drama, and angst - but so is Rurouni Kenshin, Escaflowne, Naruto, Yu Yu Hakusho, Magic Knight Rayearth - every single *one* of which features prettified characters to appeal to the viewer. The character design is a plus for most people. How many whine about how effeminate Kenshin is, or Van, or almost any anime guys in a non-hentai-ish comedy [Goldenboy for example] - the reason people complain about Gundam Wing is that the previous Gundam sagas *were* older in animation style and the 'pretty' characters wasn't a major factor. The same is true for Dbz - even the girls aren't pretty, but look when it was made and the target audience (namely males). Most popular anime these days (yes, especially the ones in the US) feature pretty characters to appeal both to the male viewers (how many guys complain that the Rayearth girls are *too* pretty, or that Ferio *looks* like a girl? They're too busy looking at the girls to care, the same with Kaoru from Rurouni Kenshin) and the female viewers.

Yes, anime is modeled for viewers, and yes, this does mean some (like Gundam Wing) get 'prettified' so the girls will like it more as well as the action-hungry stereotypical male viewers. That's marketing - it doesn't change the plot, and it shouldn't be held against the anime unless you're going to discredit every single anime with pretty character designs (just look at how popular the new Vampire Hunter D movie is now that the main guy is downright lovely). :?

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Post by LindenRathan » Wed Nov 12, 2003 12:27 am

:shock: OMG can you write anymore]
well i almost hate to say it but i like GW. I say that only because the mechas i belive are the best ones in the gundam universe because they can actualy move and they got a cool variety of weapons instead of the same old machine gun, laser rifle, or beam blade. now here you got missles, rail guns, cooler looking beam rifles(01,wing zero,talgeise),flamethrowers(shenlong,altron),BIG beam blades, army knife(heavyarms),shythes, and other unique wepons you wont find in any other gundam series, im not sure about X i havent seen that one yet.

Kamahamaha,galek gun, bigbang attack, special beam cannon, i would name more but its been 3 years since ive seen DBZ. I agree with who said the thing about the stupid attack names. Ok yello glowing hair, green eyes, thats cool and so is flying but man those haircuts can take someones eye out, now thats how you can tell its not truly anime beacuse even the "VERY" old animes none of them have such pointy hair. Now overall DBZ sucks.

Sailor Moon
Whiny blonds whats wroung with that. Now I know they arnt all blonds so dont say anything. as for the story line uhg anyone seen Knights of Ramune, man that made more sense. Nuf said
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Post by samurairyu » Wed Nov 12, 2003 1:21 am

SQ wrote:Gundam Wing gets better as the story progresses, you should probably see more of the show if you already haven't.

Although my favorite gundam is Gundam X, by far.

Also, DBZ is not the worst anime... There's tons worse than DBZ...

And the Pokemon movies are actually GOOD... Especially the third one....
[insert stupid sound effect of hidden messages here]


Gunam X rules!!!!!

Although, You guys are being a little hard on Gundam Wing, sure its not the best anime or even the best gundam series. It did, at least, get out there and did its part in making anime more mainstream. At least it wasn't pokemon or digimon bad. I know alot of people that would hang someone for insulting their favortite series(buncha fangirls).

I will definately agree that it is sub par compared to other Gundams, exceptions of course being:
SD Gundam(blows) and G Gundam(horse's ass). :twisted:
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Post by Toecutter » Wed Nov 12, 2003 2:26 am

I still like Gundam Wing for their mecha styling. The Leo and Tragos mobile suits are far more realistic than the crappily drawn Zaku series of the Universal Century. Also, all three Tallgeese mobile suits just kick ass. Who needs the Zero System when you've got tons of firepower, and a helluva power to weight ratio?
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