Shun wrote:Karou_ken wrote:i believe that kenshin is soooooo much better
!!!!! Not to mention he is way hoter!!!!!!!!!!
anyway kenshin could kick shisho's burnt a** any time!!!
hey! did anyone notice but shisho's voice is the same as Spike's voice in Cowboy Bebop and yumi's voice is the same voice as Faye. I know this sounds wierd but in every anime I have seem the voice of Spike and Faye are always in the same anime. I weird!!
I always find it amusing that every argument that says Kenshin would win is based around statements like "Kenshin is cooler hes so much better omfg he just is".
Agreed. The best part is I even wrote a reply where I stated that I knew people would say stuff like "OMG Kenshin is teh best b/c he is teh main character and I like him." If people seriously are that insecure about their favorite character that he has to be the strongest...they should go watch Dragonball Z or something (a show that focuses on Strength).
It's quite apparent that the show's (or at least the Kyoto Arc) theme is that "might does not make right." That is of course illustrated by having a character whose entire "powers" make him stronger and stronger as he fights and who believes that "the strongest will survive" and then this piddly little red-haired guy protect his loved ones and his own beliefs. Don't you guys wonder why Kenshin is so weak looking and feminine sounding? It's to further the point.
Reading half the replies to this thread makes me shake my head that such a explicitely stated theme can be overlooked just for the sake of "He *has to* be the strongest...he has to."