angelx03 wrote:I wish that situation would happen in Connecticut or even New York.Farmboybob wrote:I figured you would say something like that. Our average warm is like 70F and average cold is like 40F. 8) But that means we only get snow about one time a year, and it is never much and even if it is like an inch we are out of school for about 2 days. North Carloinians are a bunch of pussies.angelx03 wrote:During winter times for us, 34 deg F is somewhat decent weather. Around 50 deg F, that's our warm spot. 8)Farmboybob wrote:It was windy as hell down here in NC all day. And cold to boot, as of now at my house it is about 34F. For me thats cold as hell. I dunno about you northerners.
I wish that it would snow here at least once so that school would be canceled . But i guess not, the weather here is southern cali is great, nice and warm, but i like the cold every once in a while gives u reason to snuggle up with someone lol .