Upload problem

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Upload problem

Post by BlueRakuen » Wed Nov 26, 2003 8:23 pm

I'm trying to upload my first AMV and When I'm at step 4 it says that I didn't fill the date, anime and music correctly but I DID! :evil:
And I've looked in the FAQ and Moonslayers Guide
Please help!!!

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Post by Arigatomina » Thu Nov 27, 2003 4:11 am

Did you put the date as year-month-day (2003-11-26)? Is your premiere date in the past (it should be)? Did you click 'add' after you chose the artist and song for the vid? Did you click 'add' after marking the anime in the vid? Other than that as long as you have a title it should work.

If you did those things, then I see no reason it wouldn't work unless you've been banned from uploading or something (and that still shouldn't stop you from making the vid profile). :?

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Post by BlueRakuen » Thu Nov 27, 2003 2:35 pm

I did all of those and the video profile is on. But when I go in the upload section, my video is aways where it says that the info isn't complete.
And I don't think I did anything so I would be banned....

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Post by Arigatomina » Thu Nov 27, 2003 11:08 pm

No, unless you've had a vid removed, you shouldn't have been prohibited from uploading (even non-donators have free upload privileges). You aren't late on a donation are you? ^.~

Seriously, when you go to the fourth step what exactly does it say? Also, when you click the 'upload vid' button what error does it give you? The exact words would help. ^_^;;

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Post by BlueRakuen » Sat Dec 06, 2003 10:09 am

Here's whatit says at the 4th step
Before you can add a link, you must have the following entered:

Anime listed for the video.
Music listed for the video.
A premiere date in the past.
Correct any of these that are in error and you can then link to the video.

And in the upload
You have no videos with completed information to upload.

The following videos of your cannot be uploaded at this time for the reasons listed:

Anime Not Listed
Naruto - On My Own

Music Not Listed
Naruto - On My Own

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Post by downwithpants » Sat Dec 06, 2003 1:47 pm

looks like the person in the next post figured out the same problem
Phade wrote:Hey,

Ok. I logged in as you and was able to successfully add (and then remove) the anime and song you listed above. The system seems to work just fine.


1. Choose the video you wish to add music to by clicking the "EDIT MY VIDEOS" link on the member main page.

2. Click "step 2: MUSIC".

3. Choose the musical artist from the top drop-down list labeled "Artist".

4. After the page refreshes, choose the song by that artist from the drop-down list labeled "Song".

5. Click the button labeled "add".

6. The song should now appear in the section labeled "Music in the Video".


1. Choose the video you wish to add music to by clicking the "EDIT MY VIDEOS" link on the member main page.

2. Click the "step 3: ANIME" link.

3. Click the first letter of the title of the anime you want to add.

4. To the left of the title of the anime, there are two checkboxes. The right checkbox is for if the anime is in your video. The left checkbox is if the video contains spoilers for that anime. The right checkbox is required to have the anime listed with your video. Click the appropriate checkbox(es).

5. Click the button at the bottom labeled "add".

6. The anime should now be listed in the section labeled "Anime in the Video".

Please let me know which of these instructions failed for you. If all instructions completed successfully, please let me know which one(s) you skipped when you tried to do it earlier (I really want to know so that the system can be improved for future users).

Good luck and have fun!! ^_^

Inuyasha666 wrote:Ok, I tried it again. I think I figured out what it was doing. Whenever I tried to enter the anime/music I kept checking the boxes before I hit continue. This time I didn't and it worked. Well, thank your for your help Phade. I appreciate it. ;)
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Post by BlueRakuen » Sat Dec 06, 2003 8:16 pm

YAY IT WORKED!!! :D Thx a lot!


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