Illia Sadri wrote:However you get into the stupid and downright wrong pairings.
I think you misunderstand the purpose of fandoms - fanfiction, fanmade videos - aside from the ones that merely repeat the exact thing seen in the original anime, the point is to take the characters/world and make it your own. In the case of pairings - how is pairing two close male friends in a romantic
fictional vid or fic any different from pairing two friends (male and female) in a similar
fictional vid or fic? I want you to flame the people out there who pair Kurama and Botan. Even the Phillipine anime dubbers did this - insulting the original anime by rewriting it as if it were no worse than what fiction writers do. You mention GW yaoi pairings - do you go out and flame the people who write Mary Sue fics just to have the pilots paired with females - when they were single in the anime? Pairing Trowa with some self-created girl is no more of a lie than pairing him with Quatre or Heero (both of whom he had a strong connection to). If you're against any lies or fanmade pairings, then you can't single out the yaoi ones. Every fic, every vid, every doujinshi that shows something not in the original anime is a lie.
I think you just dislike the yaoi ones because of personal reasons, I really doubt you have a problem when fans put guys and girls together (even if they hated each other in the anime) just because they want to see them together. You said it yourself, it's easy to ignore (and resist flaming) yaoi anime because you know what it is ahead of time. But when it comes to fandoms where the fans decide what to do with the anime, you decide the yaoi pairings are wrong and the het ones are fine. Tell me you don't see the hypocrasy there.
I admit, I do dislike a lot of anime females, but I hated them *before* I knew what yaoi was. I hated Relena long before I even realized there were people out there pairing up Heero with someone else. I hated her for the character she was - it has nothing to do with my being an ignorant fangirl, and everything to do with my opinions as to what makes a good female character. I like yaoi, but I'd never complain about Kuwa and Yukina being together - I'd never complain about Kenshin and Kaoru being together. Sure, I'd rather pair Yukina up with Shizuru (a yuri pairing for the uninformed), and I'd rather see Kenshin with Sano (a yaoi pairing) - but that doesn't mean I hate the canon pairings - because I like those female characters. I just like the guys more, because anime guys are rarely given the insulting characteristics that anime females tend to get layered with. It's a matter of opinion, and it's the freedom of any anime fan to decide for himself (or herself since you're singling out the fangirls) what pairing is preferred.
And just to be anal, I think pairing Goku and Vegeta is no worse than pairing Ayeka and Ryoko (Tenchi) - it isn't just the rabid yaoi fangirls who make outrageous pairings, you know. And pairing Quatre and Dorothy is just as bad (to give a het example since you brought up GW) - just because characters fight doesn't mean they're lovers to be paired up in fanfiction and vids, but it hasn't stopped anyone yet. Why? Because it's
fanfiction. If you don't like it, ban all fanmade work. The only way you're going to get the anime and just the anime, is from the anime. You can flame people for having opinions different from your own, but you can't stop them.
Most fics or vids that include shonen ai and yaoi make it clear in the warnings. Almost *no* fics and vids that include non-canon het pairings bother to warn about anything. If anyone has a right to complain, it would be the yaoi fans. You don't see me going into a KuramaxBotan thread and flaming them for making two acquaintances 'love interests'. I know when to leave other people alone to their own preferences. If you don't like yaoi, fine. If you do, fine. You like yours, I like mine, what's the point of flaming someone for having an opinion that in no way hurts you?