Phade wrote:Hey SQ,
In that case, the video is in violation of rule #3:
Phade.2004 VCA Rule #3 wrote:All music video information in the catalog must be as correct as possible. For example, all music and anime information must be filled in correctly without errors such as "various" or "unknown" as the anime title, musical artist, or song. If a video creator fails to correct all of their video information before the deadline (listed below), all of the videos created by that creator will be disqualified from consideration this year. Video creators can request changes to information that can no longer be edited by the video creator by using this form.
What if we have been trying to add animes to a music video (which I forgot to do when I created the entry for it) but the "Report a Bug" section has refused to let me add anything (I've sent emails about this and no response).