Hey, well as a tribute for me getting comp. done and since im in the mood to op so many videos to were my brain is spinning...I am excepting free ops till i either fall in and burn to death in flames and hate musicvideos together.Or perserverence and i op until i have 1000 videos oped!!!!!!!!!!
My big hit, hope someone has some courage to step up to the plate, arigatomnya

, lol i may need some help...Anyway its like doubling my opinions.And if you need know i have 370 average and i now give like 600 words per op, checked on microsoft word...Anyway give as many videos as you wish, others videos your entire profile, or just 1, anyway save some for others.And if your profile has only one anime do not give me more than 5, i also enjoy mix's and videos with lots of flashing...And also no spamming out and giving crap load of videos, only people you know and think they deserve an op...Anyway as much as you want.And since Steel Angel Kurumi is like kick ass then i will op all steel videos first in order, just say STEEL VIDEO!!!!! and i will op it instantly...:)anyway i will spend as much as i can everyday which maybe 10 ops a day, who knows but feel free to give more everyday, lol!Oh and im trying to fairly make this the largest post on opinion exchange, so just for extra...lets change 1000 to 1500 ops

, im gonna be in flames

oh well...GoodNight for me i expect to wake up and have some videos to op ya got that.
"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources." - Albert Einstein