Well, those of you that know me, know that I haven't exactly made a new original video in over 2 years.... This being due to the fact that I simply don't have a really edit-worthy. Now, I do have pretty limited access to a somewhat edit-worthy computer in order to do short videos (like my Tornado Vasectomy track, my one Iron Chef match with Pie, my Children Project track, and eventually my FF6 project video), however, the computer I have now is the same one I've had for coming up on 5 years. The dreaded P2 (for those of you who have played with me on Gunbound, you know it's intense power...... or lack thereof). So, I haven't been able to start any major videos (plus not being able to commit to RVG.. sorry MJ :\..)
However! I still have a LOT of big ideas in the works. Including collaboration videos with Koop and Rozard, which should be quite rock indeed. Here's a timeline type dealie.
Can do before new comp:
1) FF6 Project
- "Mog" Track
- Anime: Magic Knights Rayearth
- Progress: 0% (Sorry ><)
Will do after new comp (assuming I can get it within the next month or so):
1) Koop And Atom's Untitled Collaboration
- I don't know if we're keeping this a secret or not.. A few people know about it but I dunno if we're keeping it on the DL to the public o_o
2) Fans of the Plan (Rozard and Atom's Collaboration. Title is tentative
- Same thing for this one. Dunno if we're keeping it secret, so I'll just be like hush hush or whatever.
3) An ACen entry (since I'm gonna be there, I'd like to have some kind of showing :\ Don't know which idea I'll go with though.)
4) An Otakon entry (I'd LIKE to go this year, and henceforth would also like to submit something. I have a pretty good idea of what this one will be, but it'll depend on if I can get the source in time)
5) AWA Expo and Pro entries (Same for Otakon).
6) Get everyone to finish their Project Genius tracks (hehehehe man this project is just going to slip into obscurity and then premiere out of nowhere sometime in 2006)
Sooooo yeah... Atom's being all ambiguos and secretive. o_o Ah well. It's not that I'm afraid of people stealing my ideas. Just that I prefer to keep specific video plans on the hush hush until they get closer to actually being finished. So, we'll have to see.