TallonKarrde23 wrote:Yuki_the_Fox wrote:I crying just thinkimg about it ending(and I'm a guy) I love Inu-Yasha(the show), Though I am watching them on TV on Adailt Swim on Cartoon Network and have only seen up to ep. 51 I think thats were they stop it and played it back from the begining but they said there going to play now ep. so thats what I whating for. And I'm not shure whare I herd these But I think there is more then 150 ep. one thing I've benn reading the summeries in NewType-USA, and there only on ep. 131 so...
so you shoudlnt be watching CN at all to begin with so no sympathy for you pizza man
Hey, if it weren't for Adult Swim, I would've never seen Inu-Yasha.

New episodes are suppose to start in April. They said it would be February, but changed their mines and have started from episode 1....again.