by yamyy » Fri Feb 06, 2004 12:56 pm
hei, I hope you guys don`t mind if I post my message here, because I have also a problem with adobe premiere pro and importing ... but not that kind of error..
It`s like if I want to import some clips then Premiere says: importing.. and when I wake up the next day it still says importing (and nothing on the table seems to have moved).... It`s kinda weird because I have managed at first when I got premiere to import some videos and it just like that, I put: file- import.. then I select file .. then ok and the file is already in my premiere pro .... but now it only says importing.. and importing... on the other hand premiere works pretty good in my computer (some slow movement come accross, but thats nothing to mention)... the only thing is this importing... can`t figure this out, why does premiere do so?
I hope that someone can help me, because I`m really stuck right now.. I don`t know what to do, because I can`t import videos to y premiere so I could work with them