Third, I may stop this thread after it hits page 2 (or 20+ ops) so I can catch up. Anyone who leaves a link after that may have a long wait before
he gets a review.
he ~_~, isnt there shes out there to, and what about shemales, i mean who knows i might be one
, what if you could play with your self without touching yourself?
Ok, anywho, i dont care how long this takes you or if you even do it but id be very happy and i would very much appreciate if you'd op my newest video and my friends newest video, we both needs lots of helps....
ugh confusing....
http://www.animemusicvideos.org/members ... hp?v=30839
done with WMM, i think i did a well job on it, some say it needs a better story but it has nice action, and some fast paced drama, dont worry no slow ass love
...By the way this is my video...
http://www.animemusicvideos.org/members ... hp?v=30956
This is my friends third video, second to be uploaded to the org.I think its pretty well done he does need more work than i do
im not jealous ^_^...Anyway it was also done with WMM. and he has 96 hits but not one op, which is why id like to have this oped.
Oh and if i missed a part that said only post one video then op my friends video, he needs op more than me, thank you very much.PM me if you want an op...Or just post ~_~...
"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources." - Albert Einstein