Editor talk:What do your friends/family think of your hobby?

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Post by dbzrkyyh » Sun Feb 15, 2004 8:44 pm

hahaha , thats pretty bad , porr ari . my family doesnt realy care , except my brother whom intraduced me to anime . though all of them whove seen it said i should make a vid to some aero smith song when there talking about man looks like a lady to kenshin :?

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Post by Arigatomina » Sun Feb 15, 2004 8:56 pm

dbzrkyyh wrote:hahaha , thats pretty bad , porr ari . my family doesnt realy care , except my brother whom intraduced me to anime . though all of them whove seen it said i should make a vid to some aero smith song when there talking about man looks like a lady to kenshin :?
Heh, it wouldn't be bad, except my mom actually thinks it's something to brag about - at least with the writing. She says it's as legitimate as the men who write those 'playboy' type stories to sell to dirty magazines...but mine aren't that explicite. ^_^;;;

But that would be a funny vid! o.o If it were a multi-anime, you could add in Kurama - he *definitely* fits the bill (gets mistaken for Kuwabara's girlfriend in one episode ;p ), and there are lots of others that would work. Actually...I'm surprised it hasn't been done. I may need to look through the database for that...it's such a given... :?

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Post by SonKitty » Mon Feb 16, 2004 12:24 am

My dad has seen a couple of my vids and is pretty supportive. My mom and brothers are relatively indifferent.

My friends are great about it. I'm manager of an anime club, and they seem to enjoy what I show though mine are just rarel and in between many other vids I show them.

My boyfriend is the most supportive though. =) He loves 'em all and completely understands.

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Post by pumpkinchick28 » Mon Feb 16, 2004 1:01 am

My husband is really enthusiastic about my vids. But he think they're all good, so he doesn't make a good critic when I need one. And he brags about me all the time, which is embarassing.

My parents hate that I make them watch all my videos. They pretend to like them to humor me. And I continue to show the videos to them in order to torture them. It's kind of a mutual understanding.

My father-in-law is like my hubby though, he's ecstatic when I come out with a new vid. And he's always asking if I'm working on a new one.

And my friends are all really supportive. They constantly bombard me with questions like, "when are you going to make a fruits basket video?" and "you need to do something to Nine Inch Nails!"

Okay, that second one wasn't a question. *shrug* It's late. I forget how to speak the English at night.

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Post by danielwang » Mon Feb 16, 2004 1:35 am

Mr Pilkington wrote:
trythil wrote:I've not told anyone that I cut up cartoons and set them to music, and I rather like it that way.

Er. I mean, edit AMVs.
Be sure to hide the film reels and scotch tape under the bed so no one will ever find out. :wink:
Scotch tape is utterly unsuitable for negative splicing. The one I use is purple and filmsafe.

I made my own Org crest tag and put it on my bag. You see, if they don't know what the Org is, they won't know I make AMVs. If they do, then they must appreciate them.

<a href="http://www.animetheory.com/" title="AnimeTheory" class="gensmall">AnimeTheory.</a>
<a href="http://www.animemusicvideos.org/search/ ... %20park%22" title="Seach videos NOT by danielwang" class="gen">Make sure you don't download videos that suck!</a>

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Post by downwithpants » Mon Feb 16, 2004 2:18 am

My parents would take away my computer if they knew how much time i spent editing. They're just tryin to figure out what i do with the time i'm not studying and get rid of it. Like i was watching anime over winter break in my room at home and they start yelling at me for not finishing my work, even though it was mostly done. Sooner or later I think they'll have to find out though.

My sister doesn't know I edit, I don't think she would be very interested.

My friends that I've shown my vids to are pretty supportive, although they seem to like the videos I don't like, some of them at least.
maskandlayer()|My Guide to WMM 2.x
a-m-v.org Last.fm|<a href="http://www.frappr.com/animemusicvideosdotorg">Animemusicvideos.org Frappr</a>|<a href="http://tinyurl.com/2lryta"> Editors and fans against the misattribution of AMVs</a>

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Post by Flint the Dwarf » Mon Feb 16, 2004 2:46 am

Arigatomyna wrote:lol

Think that's bad? My mom tells relatives that I write and animate gay porn. :?

I haven't been able to look at my grandpa in the eye since she told him...and I don't even *use* hentai in vids. ~_~;;

That is hilarious.
Kusoyaro: We don't need a leader. We need to SHUT UP. Make what you want to make, don't make you what you don't want to make. If neither of those applies to you, then you need to SHUT UP MORE.

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Post by kmv » Mon Feb 16, 2004 6:40 am

Arigatomyna wrote:Heh, it wouldn't be bad, except my mom actually thinks it's something to brag about - at least with the writing. She says it's as legitimate as the men who write those 'playboy' type stories to sell to dirty magazines...but mine aren't that explicite. ^_^;;;
Come on, fess up - your 'fic is slash isn't it?

It's nothing to be ashamed about, and it also sounds like your mom likes to read it.

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Post by Arigatomina » Mon Feb 16, 2004 7:37 am

kmv wrote:It's nothing to be ashamed about, and it also sounds like your mom likes to read it.
Eh, not quite slash since that's 'real-life' characters - with anime we call it yaoi or shonen ai. Either way, my fics are no where near as explicite as the dirty stories in those magazines, and my vids are nothing compared to hentai anime (I rarely show so much as a kiss). But you're right - my mom does enjoy it - reading the reviews, anyway.

And Flint - it *is* very funny, but also very very sad. :(

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Post by catgirlnukunuku » Mon Feb 16, 2004 9:12 am

my famaliy like my hobby ...maybe i m not sure -.-
i want my brother always to watch my amvs XD
pooooor boy :wink:
cyaaa XD
sorry for the bad english
cause im a german -.-


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