PICK!!!!!!!!wolf_hunter wrote:like we just which make it
LIKE WE PICK!!! ah fuck it u know wat i mean
PICK!!!!!!!!wolf_hunter wrote:like we just which make it
GFEDCBA123456789~-+=-_{\[~-+=-_{\[!!!!!!]/}_-=+-~]/}_-=+-~987654321ABCDEFGEarthCurrent wrote:Phade writes a lot of things.
I wish it were that simple.dwchang wrote: So instead of complaining, why don't you guys just vote as well? It doesn't take long to check the "unworthy" box 9 times out of 10.
Yes, but one could easily argue that since it's "their site" too, they have every right to vote "worthy" on those "bad banners." Things like that, the VCA's, etc. are democratic, so we have our say with our one vote.Castor Troy wrote:I wish it were that simple.dwchang wrote: So instead of complaining, why don't you guys just vote as well? It doesn't take long to check the "unworthy" box 9 times out of 10.
Remember there's alot of members of the .org that don't browse the forums and the majority of those people like anything pretty they see. So just the forum people won't stop the majority of corny crap banners that are coming in.
could've at least made it look good... and spell "gay" they way i would say it... "ghey". You faild!J-0080 wrote:
http://www.despair.com/fyrtenheimer wrote:Filling up that banner space with only banners that have inspirational quotes and sayings would be, I guess, corny and boring.