Tenchi Muyo! GXP and Tenchi Muyo! OVA 3 news

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Tenchi Muyo! GXP and Tenchi Muyo! OVA 3 news

Post by Garylisk » Sun Jul 07, 2002 3:08 am

For anyone on this forum who is interested in this, it was posted on another bulletin board by a couple people who were at the GXP Panel at AX. I will simply cut/paste what was posted and then follow up with my comments.

Posted by Vinz on the AIC Official Tenchi BBS
Hi everyone! I'm here in sunny LA attending Anime Expo, and I had the good fortune to see the Tenchi GXP panel--for which I had to wait in line for over an hour, but it was time well spent. The panel consisted of a short intro, the screening of GXP episodes one and two, and then a Q and A session. The panelists were Tenchi's producer (who was also the OAV producer whose name escapes me at this late hour), Mamiko Noto, and a representative from VAP. The GXP episodes were great, but some interesting things came out during the Q and A. Most important is:

The producer stated that Tenchi does NOT make a choice in the coming OAV. Several people mentioned the Kajishima interview and Mr. K's statement about Tenchi deciding, but the producer was firm in saying there would be no choice. He was speaking through an interpreter, but the no on the choice was very clear, as he was asked the question more than once.

The US distributor will be announced in about a month.

Mr. Kajishima does have an idea for further OAVs, and it seems it all depends on how well OAV 3 and GXP do.

OAV 3 has not yet started production, and will not until the end of the year--and there is a strong chance it will be pushed back to until the beginning of 2003.

OAV 3 will be six, perhaps seven episodes.

OAV 3's art style will be consistent with that of the previous two.

They would be interested in an OAV and/or a GXP film, but once again, only if GXP and OAV 3 do well.

Tenchi's mother will not appear in OAV 3 or GXP. Ditto for Kiyone (drat!).

Ryo-ohki is in for some surprises in GXP...perhaps that white creature that was in a screenshot posted awhile back is indeed a cabbit?

GXP is in the widescreen format.

GXP will not reveal what occurs in OAV 3, but there are clues and references scattered throughout. No decision by Tenchi may also explain why everyone is still together.

The room played paper-scissors-rock with Ms. Noto for an autographed GXP poster. I did not win. D'oh! I did get a GXP sticker, the one that was shown a long time ago on Tenchi-Web. The panel drew a strong crowd, with people getting in line hours before it was scheduled to begin, and the room was filled to capacity. Ryoko's brief GXP appearance drew a lot of applause, and the crowd (and I) greatly enjoyed the episodes.

In all, a great panel. I'll post more as the convention continues. I took pictures, but since I'm on a borrowed computer and minus my USB cable, I'll have to post them when I return home.

Posted by Washu Hakubi on the AIC Official Tenchi BBS

Hi everybody! Well, it looks like Vinz beet me to it on the "Tenchi Muyo! GXP" screening report. It sure was a lot of fun! Except of course for the long line I had to wait in! (Thankfully I was there 3 hourse early!) Anyway, there are a few things that Vinz did leave out that Hiroaki Inoue (Producer of "Tenchi Muyo!") said. One of which I think some of you will find very interesting since it has to do with "Z"!

1) I asked why Mitoto (Mihoshi's mom) keeps on rubbing Seina's head and he said because she is very interested in certain things and one is rubbing Seina's buzz cut head! He also mentioned that Mitoto has "special" powers in GXP. But, we are still not sure what kind of "special" powers these are...

2) I also asked if "Z" will show up in any of the GXP episodes, and he said "No. 'Z' will not show up in any GXP episodes". So, whatever our guesses are from characters in GXP... are wrong. Oh well! I guess we will just have to wait and see!

3) Another thing that he mentioned is that Seto will have a very large part in the OAV 3 as well... hmm...

4) As 99.9 % of you already know, there will be a special episode where Seina goes and visits earth and ALL of the original "Tenchi" characters will be in it!!!!

That is all I can really remember that Vinz didn't say... But if I recall anyting I will post it!

It was a lot of fun and I'm sorry all of you guys wern't able to be there! But, I hope this update interested you though!!!

~Washu~ ^..^


Me, I am not in the least bit dissapointed that Tenchi won't choose. Hell, I am kinda glad. After all, half the fun of the show is gone once Tenchi makes up his mind. Not only that, but I would want a major event like that to have more episodes dedicated to it. Seeing as the new OVA will only be 6 or 7 episodes, and will have a lot to do with the Choushin War, there would be no room to address all the possibilities of Tenchi choosing. Hearts would break into pieces, I tell ya.. God knows if the Masaki Shrine could take a rejected Ryoko and remain standing :roll:

Anyway, just thought you guys might wanna know since not all of you went to AX, not all of you who went to AX went to the panel, and those of you who didn't go might not visit the Tenchi BBS at AIC. :)
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Post by Beefmaster10000 » Sun Jul 07, 2002 3:46 am

Yes, I can't wait for Tenchi OVA 3. It will rule. Though, what is GXP? That is surprising, Mihoshi will have her mother appear in the next Tenchi. I can't wait for the New Tenchi episodes. I really love the OVA versions of Tenchi.

I hope they bring back the Original Cast for Tenchi Muyo! K.T. Vogt must return for the role of Washu again. Washu RULES!!!!!!!!!

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Post by gadoo » Sun Jul 07, 2002 4:53 am

yes, I have to agree with you.... Washu does rule, in fact she is the only goddess! Tokimi and Tsunami are FAKE!!!

Washu will win the Goddess war and will be the ruler of ALL!!!!

actually what I really think is that it's gonna be like some sort of tie and they learn a valuable lesson at the end of the battle.)

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Re: Tenchi Muyo! GXP and Tenchi Muyo! OVA 3 news

Post by rurouni_trelane » Sun Jul 07, 2002 10:42 am

Garylisk wrote:God knows if the Masaki Shrine could take a rejected Ryoko and remain standing :roll:
And just what makes you think Ryoko would get rejected? :P
Actually, all the subtle signs do point to Ryoko being the one who gets picked.
And I've seen some of GXP (fansubs), as well as read some of the information on the characters. It's very good, making up for the travesty that was Tenchi in Tokyo.
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Post by Beefmaster10000 » Sun Jul 07, 2002 3:30 pm

Can someone please tell me what is GXP?

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Post by MistyCaldwell » Sun Jul 07, 2002 5:17 pm

Beefmaster10000 wrote:Can someone please tell me what is GXP?
It's a series about mostly Mihoshi and lots of new characters in the galaxy police force. It has a tenshin looking kid and...frankly I don't care for it.
It reminds me a lot of Shin Tenchi for some reason.

But some people like it, just not me :)

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Post by MistyCaldwell » Sun Jul 07, 2002 5:18 pm

"tenshin".... :oops:

tenchi looking

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Post by rurouni_trelane » Sun Jul 07, 2002 5:22 pm

Beefmaster10000 wrote:Can someone please tell me what is GXP?
Tenchi Muyo GXP is the newest Tenchi series, currently being shown on TV in Japan. It's not about Tenchi, though; in fact, he doesn't even appear (really) until episode 17. It's about Seina, (Tenchi's cousin, I believe), who is the world's greatest saitei (bad luck is just drawn to this boy like Steve Bennett to Ironcat girl cosplayers). In the process of trying to visit Tenchi, who isn't home, he is accidentally ko'ed by an incoming Galaxy Police ship. The officer, a blonde girl with huge breasts (this is Tenchi Muyo, after all), mistakes his bad luck bruises for training injuries from Tenchi, and gives him an application for the Galaxy Police. His family, not realizing what it is and thinking it's an offer to get something free, force him to sign it, and he's whisked away by the GP to begin training, thoroughly upset about having left his cake behind. Annnnnnnd chaos ensues from there.
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Post by Garylisk » Mon Jul 08, 2002 1:50 am

Well, first of all, GXP isn't about Mihoshi, dunno where ya heard that one. She has not even appeared.. However, her mom is all over in the show (Including naked in the end credits as of episode 14! :P)

It's about Seina Yamada, who is not Tenchi's cousin, but rather one of Tenchi's friends, and an underclassman to Tenchi. (He calls Tenchi "Sempai".. anyway...) He meets AMane Kaunaku one day at the Masaki Shrine (Through a series of dumb ass luck, his specialty, involving getting a flat tire right by the Masaki house)

Anyway, he meets Amane, who is a GP officer. (She's a HOTTIE too!) and she thinks that since he survived the shockwave from her crashing her ship into the lake, that he must be tough as hell. She incorrectly figures that he was trained by Tenchi and that he is able to live through arguments between Aeka and Ryoko with just a couple bruises heh.

Before he can say anything, she gives him a GP pamphlet and then vanishes.

That night his mom and sister force him to sign the pamphlet, thinking that GP is some kind of new amusement park.

Later that night, he is taken into space, and his adventure begins. :P

In true Tenchi style, he has multiple women vying for his affection.

Amane Kaunaku, the blonde bombshell GP officer who scouted him. She's direct and to the point, and she knows her body is hot and USES it. :P (You could say she's the Ryoko of GXP :P)

Kiriko Masaki, another GP officer who was stationed on Earth. She's known Seina for a long time, and Seina actually has a crush on her. She likes him too, but doesn't admit it so easily. However, if anyone advances on Seina or tries to take him from her, she becomes REALLY (and I mean REALLY) violent! :P (You could say she's the Ayeka of the show... except a lot more violent.... Did I mention that she gets kind of violent?)

Mitoto Kuramitsu, Mihoshi's mom. SO far, there's been no sign of her spouse if there is one... just her Dad, the GP marshall. SHe seems to like Seina, but more like a mother would.

Ryoko Balta, a space pirate named after the most infamous pirate ever. She breaks all the pirate stereotypes by being a sweet, quiet, kind-hearted person. SHe loves to arrange flowers, she likes the Japanese tea ceremony, and all in all she seems more cultured than you would expect a pirate to be. (This is explained later in the show. It's one of the big shockers heh) After meeting Seina, she begins to have feelings for him, but they don't blossom into anything until later in the show. I will say that she has been secretly stalking him ever since episode 3. I won't say HOW since that is a spoiler ;)

Kamiki Seto Jurai - Jurai's devil princess, Misaki's mother, Ayeka and Sasami's grandma. She's eccentric and kind of scary. She ALWAYS gets what she wants, and it seems like she wants to toy around with Seina right now. God know swhy she's so intrigued with him, but she's definitely a cool character. Appearently she plays a major role in OVA 3 as well (Info from the GXP panel at AX)

Other characters...
Anai Tadano, the person who escorts Seina to the GP training facilities.
Erma, a strange cat-like person who seems to like Seina. SHe works for the Academy, and seems to want to attain as much info on Seina as possible.
Seiryo, the pink haired guy from Tenchi episode 13. He's a teacher at the academy, and he's in love with Amane. He hates the fact that Amane fancies Seina, and therefore becomes Seina's rival (AKA comic relief! :) )
Neeju Ma Malmas, a fairly new character who I can't say much about.. it's kind of a spoiler to even recognize her existance to you ;)
Fuku-chan - Can't say much about this cutie either. Spoiler galore :P

That's all I remember off the top of my head...

How does GXP fit into the Tenchi sceme of things? Luckily enough, it's OVA continuity! It fits right in with the REAL Tenchi storyline. In fact, episode 17 will be at the Tenchi house, and all the characters will be there. Should be fun.

I know all this info from message boards and due to the fact that I've been collecting the RAWs and translating/subtitling them myself. (Episode 1 is downloadable from my webpage, heh.)

Well, that was a LONG post.. longer than I thought it would be. What can I say, when I get into typing something, I go all out. *gives his hands a rest*
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Post by Beefmaster10000 » Mon Jul 08, 2002 2:32 am

Okay, thanks for clearing that up for me.


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