Otakon- other category

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Otakon- other category

Post by Superios » Thu Apr 01, 2004 8:05 pm

*Disgruntled look*

I wasn't in the best of moods when I got to my emails this evening, and my mood has declined since then. Please read the entire message before going off on me.

*identities have become anonymous to protect the innocent, the guilty and the really stupid fool who decided to screw with me*

This goes back to January. I was at an Otakon meeting when an Otakorp higher-up asked me, "Any new ideas about the contest, Geoff?"

I had several IDEAS, many of which I shot down myself...almost all of them you never made it to any of you. One of these (the one that's most pertainent here) ideas was, "I was thinking of handing out an award for an artisitic or technical video pooled from every submission"

THIS IS A DIRECT QUOTE! THIS WAS EXACTLY WHAT I HAD IN MIND! (*deep breath* Sorry, I'm a little passionate about this)

Him:So it a new category?
... (5 seconds elasped)
That's not really a good idea. *Handed him the submission form* See all the catgories there? They all have accurate descriptions. How would you describe a category such as that? I know I couldn't think of the words. As a category it's not a good idea, I think. (For those who know me for at least 3 years, when I say, "I think" I mean, "I'm certain" or, "I know"; this is just an FYI)
Him:hrph! *turns and walks away*

well, when it came time to put the rules and submission form on the web, I had to send it through him, as Otakon has a "Chain of Command". This person is high enough on the chain that the sub form had to go through him.

I'm not sure what went through his mind, but he typed up, "Artistic/Techincal" and a description on the form as he sent it to the webmaster. and it's there now.

It's not a category. it's only an award. An award I haven't even made a solid decision on. I know that someone has told me they won't send a submisison this year in protest to it. I'm asking all who are doing such a protest to reconsider, as (redundancy warning) it's not a category.

And to quell someone's specific fears...there is nothing in the rules about reclassifications from the pre-screenings...if there is a significant demand to put something from Action to Romantic/Sentimental (not like that'll happen) I talk with the person before I do it...and I anticipate that in some cases, I won't even talk to the person, as I see fit that the vid should stay where it is.

But before you go and say I'll do something, you should wait to see what I do when it happens in the first place. Not allowing me to even act before you say I'll do something is jumping to conclusions and you all should know now...I don't think conventionally. I don't even think normally.

In closing...Artistic/Technical is not a category...If I see a video checked for that category, I'll make an adjustment when the time comes to make one. It will be fair and it will not hurt the creator.

One last thing...I work from 5:30am to 5:00pm at a steel production facility. I'm so tired I fall asleep at 7pm...I barely eat lunch in the day. If you feel you have to say anything to this...which I don't think you should, send it to my email and I'll get to you when I can. I'm not going to get back to you immediately, but I will do my best to get to any email soon.

Geoff (Superion03 at aol dot com)

"Waspinator has headache in whole body"


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