1. The reason I never downloaded off of any websites was because of the unbeilavably huge amount of megabytes they demanded. Some of them went as far as 200-300 megabytes each. My 28k connection can only stay on for about 7 hours, then it automatically disconnectes itself and destroys the download. I manage to snag some DivX versions from animetheme.com when I subscribed there, so I got off lucky at around 50 megabytes each.Arigatomyna wrote:I've had someone do this to me, so I default to seeing it in a negative light. Very few people can *just* take footage, especially when they don't have the source and don't realize what is and isn't a native edit (rather than something the amv maker added).Pyle wrote:I don't think anyone on this .org sees anything except in a negative light.
I don't think I was bragging about it. I was just trying to make a point. I wasn't sure what to do when I took clips from him, so I just left it the way it was and hoped I wouldn't get yelled at.
Knew it was coming.
If it makes you happy, I'll put it up in the vid description.
Why did you do it? You didn't know how to handle it - but why do it in the first place? If it's FFX, you could have bought the game. You could have downloaded all of the cg scenes off various websites on the net. There's no reason to take them from an amv editor. Any anime or game that is used in one vid contains footage that other people can get (if you're using downloaded footage, you might as well take it from the ones handing it out rather than from your fellow vid makers).
I see no point in ripping clips from someone else's video if you're not going to credit that person. Unless he says "feel free to tear this up and cannibalize it for your own vids" there isn't much excuse for it - not when you can download the same footage from a fansubber or a website who *want* you to download and use it however you like.
Regardless, citing your sources is the least you can do. I'd never rip footage from an anime dvd and try to pretend it wasn't stolen from that anime (and the people who released it). If I took from a video I'd give that same credit to the person who went through the anime and picked out the scenes you just so happen to want for your own work. He saved you from having to look for it on your own, the least you can do is drop his name in thanks.
[The main problem is when you take from people who bought the original source - you're using something they paid to get their hands on. It's no different from ripping the audio from somoene else's amv because you can't be bothered to look it up on kaaza. The difference - you don't have to sort through that song to find the best clips - the amv maker combined them for you. It's a slap in the face of the one's you're taking from - and if you consider yourself a part of that community - it's more than a little rude. At least try not to steal from your friends. Now...if you don't see yourself as part of the community, then go for it. No respect among theives and all that. ^_^; ]
2. I hear "With a connection that slow, you shouldn't even be on the .org" pretty much every damn week. I can only DL AMV's when I find the time to start a download on the High Schools T1, and even then it only goes at around 20KB a second so I have to wait all period for it.
3.I was fairly certain it was a native edit and completely unchanged because I have played and beaten FFX at my buddies house. Therefor I didn't think it was neccessary to cite the source. But, as I've learned on the .org, some things are always neccassary.
4. I download it back before I even knew the .org existed (for some strange and awesome reason, I got a connection that went 11 hours striaght), from his website (which no longer exists I've found).
Hope I covered everything. I noticed you have a new avatar. I've been wondering, who is that pink-haired chick? ^_^