CDC: Initial Report on Anime causing Disease

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Post by koronoru » Wed Apr 14, 2004 12:37 pm

sweetstarfire wrote:Are children who act in "R" rated movies allowed to see them?
No. That is just one of the many ways in which the movie rating system is stupid and fucked up.
sweetstarfire wrote:Are there girls' bathrooms in gay bars?
Yes. The building codes, liquor license rules, and so on require washrooms for both men and women and don't have an exception for gay bars. You wouldn't want to make an exception anyway, because there will be times when there are women in the gay bar - they could be employees, they could be random people who walk in off the street and don't realise what kind of bar it is, or whatever. Trouble would be caused if they had to use the men's washroom, especially if it's full of men doing the things that men sometimes do in washrooms of gay bars. Besides, most gay bars are actually "queer" bars and make at least some effort to appeal to lesbians as well.

I realise you weren't really looking for answers to those questions.

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Re: CDC Correction

Post by Chiisai_Ryuujin » Wed Apr 14, 2004 12:53 pm

Rhyevaln wrote:The CDC has submitted a correction to their initial report, and is extremely sorry for the inconvienence. However they feel that it was necessary to make an announcement a.s.a.p.

Correction as follows is for the 4th recommened Treatment method:
-Watch Titanic (or the entire) whenever tempted by CAS emitting material. This should drain you enough to be beaten severely without complaints.
is should read:

-Watch Titanic (or entire Shirely Temple Movie Collection) whenever tempted by CAS emitting material. This should drain you enough to be beaten severly without complaints.
...I dunno, I think people addicted to Shirley Temple would be even scarier than those addicted to anime...

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Post by Calim » Wed Apr 14, 2004 1:31 pm

At first I was like WTF O_o Anime causing diseases...then I read it and now I can't stop laughing :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Post by Alter_Kazuma » Wed Apr 14, 2004 1:57 pm

so basicly i've just been wasting my money since i'm going to die soon? damn better start selling my collection on ebay. it's been fun. :roll:
I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me.

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Re: CDC: Initial Report on Anime causing Disease

Post by Brsrk » Wed Apr 14, 2004 2:49 pm

Kalium wrote:
Rhyevaln wrote:Stage 4:
BCs: 20+
Dosage: 300+ Hours
Estimated Cases: 10 Thousand
This stage is fairly rare thus far. Massive hordes of CAS emitting material have been known to exist within the residences of Stage 4 subjects. Many claim to be only Stage 3 or even 2 in order to be ?normal?. They are far from Stage 3. Many subscribe to underground news sources and or have/made their own node or collecting/distributing information on CAS and anything related. Stage 4 no longer like Pocky due to massive amounts consumed in Stage 3. Stage 4 knows: Tokyo 3, at least the names of 2 Pokemon, Names of at least 3 Dragon Ball Z characters, who Hayao Miyazaki is among other various trivia regardless of affinity towards said CAS material that information belongs to. Many Stage 4 have chosen fictional ?mates? from a particular material, serious or joke they have been chosen.
I'm screwed. Nowhere to go but ::up::!
I'm like, halfway between 4 and 5. I know what Tokyo 3 is, I know the names of at least 100 pokemon right off the top of my head (very scarey :shock: ), 6-10 DBZ characters, and I know who Miyazaki is and some others stuff.

I'd say that I'm pretty fucked... 8)

Rei and Ruri > all!!!
Pwolf wrote:that music was way to "happy" for an anime as dramatic as the kenshin ova... your an evil evil person :P :up: Pwolf ... hp?v=87528

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Post by Moonlight Soldier » Wed Apr 14, 2004 2:53 pm

Arigatomyna I've already seen the entire Shirley Temple collection, does that negate my excessive exposure, or just show that I need to watch Titanic more often?

Scary... o.o

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Post by Kalium » Wed Apr 14, 2004 2:56 pm

Now that I think about it..... I'm staff for a local anime club. Definately stage 5.

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Post by someperson » Wed Apr 14, 2004 3:00 pm

Other than the fact that I may be looking death in the face (and having one too many imaginary friends) I see nothing wrong with this disease.

I shall accept my fate with grace (as gracefully as a crazy person can anyway).
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Post by Bryal » Wed Apr 14, 2004 3:41 pm

IM DOOMED!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:

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Post by J-0080 » Wed Apr 14, 2004 10:56 pm

Moonlight Soldier wrote:Hmm sitting comfortably at Stage 4...

But my god, not Titanic...anything but Titanic@!!!!

/hisses and hides under the bed *glares cat like*
It makes me feel better to see girls who hate Titanic.
paizuri wrote:There's also no need for introductions because we're generally a friendly bunch and will welcome you with wide open arms anyway.


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