by Saber Rider » Sun Apr 18, 2004 1:07 pm
If you rip Music and Pictures from CD, DVD and Video, you are doing nothing illegal if you don't bypass a copy protection (kind of strange defects that are found on the new ugly "not-really-a-CD"s, Macrovision, CSS). Not every DVD is CSS-Protected, many VHS-Videos don't contain Macrovision.
If you cut this together to an AMV you are doing nothing illegal, too.
If you pass them on it depends on how you pass them on and in which country you live. We in Germany have a right of a "private copy". If I pass on a single copy of an AMV to a friend or give him an AMV DVD as a birthday present, it's allright and nothing illegal. But if I sell AMV DVDs commercially, that is for money (the "Music-Industry-Lawyers" say if I let pay my friends the DVD-R Disc is already for money, the "Private-Person-Lawyers" say my friends can pay me the DVD-R Disc but I should not take more), or upload it in Kazaa or somewhere in Web, it is illegal.
So I won't upload any of my AMVs but only show them on private parties, on Conventions who have paid fees to the GEMA (the organisation who collects fees for playing music and video in public in Germany) or pass them on to a few good friends.
Nevertheless, I think, the Anime producers don't care anything about AMVs. The picture material is cut into a completely new sense, transitions, filters or insertions make the material completely unsusable for pirating the Anime. I think they see the crazy fans doing a lot of hard work to create these little impressive pieces of work which is excellent advertising for the Anime which makes it more popular. I think, also the music industry is not caring about AMVs because they are quite big. It takes few minutes and less to download a MP3 of a song. But it takes about a quarter hour and more, even with the modern highspeed broadband internet, to download the same song es AMV. Also, MP3 covers a varity of millions and billions of songs, but AMVs only a few thousands. But I think if they sued away most MP3s, they will care about AMVs as a new source for illegal songs and begin to sue them away. Consider: AMVs are bad as the pirate music. Everything is bad in the eyes of the music industry. If you buy a CD you are bad because you could pirate this CD so they "copy protect" (damage) the CD (sorry for exaggerating, but this is the situation in Germany).
But with a little luck, there are also legal ways to broadcast MP3s via Internet: I'm just creating one (only having the problem that I need scenes from some episodes of the series, which are still not released on DVD - but they will come soon) but already contacted the band (a famous German band) who made the song for the AMV. They say I just should take my time and make good work and send them a copy of the AMV. If they like it and the copyright owner of the Anime won't mind, they will put it as a streaming video on their homepage. I will tell you the name of the band and the name of the anime if they will take it and the copyright owner of the anime has given it's okay - sorry, but I want to prevent "give your okay" mails to the copyright owner or to the band, this could take negative effects on the complete process. But if you find a "progressive" (in sense of "not afraid of new media") Band and a friendly Anime Producer and if you ask friendly, it could be, that your video is soon completely legal on web.