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Post by AMV_4000 » Wed Apr 21, 2004 9:53 pm

im your fan danny *aim kissyface*
you too MJ *aim kissyface*

but im sorry, steak makes some nice videos... jebedia *prolly mispelled that* but he is one of my fav's... pilk is pretty good too...

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Post by inthesto » Wed Apr 21, 2004 10:37 pm

That inthesto guy makes, like, the best AMVs in the history of Mankind. And Dude Love and Cactus Jack.

I hear he's also incredibly sexy and a beast in the sack.

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Post by SnhKnives » Wed Apr 21, 2004 11:07 pm

Around here, old school editors have all the glory. Being a new editor myself, it will take some time for me to get known around the community. For now, when everyone thinks of greatness, the oldschool elitest around think of their editing idols when they were first learning the ropes. Now that their idols have mostly retired or gone on to do other things, people like Wonka, Fluxmiester, Kusoyaro, and anyone else who really joined around 2001 and earlier, have become the role models for todays new and upcoming editors. People like me who ahve been around a relatively short time can only witness past greatness by the videos they made. I have no witness to the impact they had when first released. I can only think of the people who all post on here and the names they mention of greatness. It is not new editors, it is who they believe old school, classic, and legendary. Even though I have not been a member for awhile, i know of alot of these videos. My first AMV i saw was in 2001. Kusoyaro's Faith video downloaded on Kazaa.... yeah and i kept up with alluminum studios, MTT, and Zero Gravity....because basically they were the only websites i knew of that did AMVs. I am kinda wrighting alot here becuase its something I have been thinking alot about ever since I joined. I wanted to be good, sure..who doesnt. More than anything else I wanted to be apart of the guys. I wanted to be the type of person who gets invited to do multi editor projects, who gets invited into studios, or asked to beta a friends video. Not jsut anyone, i mean like someone who already was recognized. Unfortunately I was able to do none of those. So i decided to do everything myself. Started my own studio, created myown mutli editor project. I ahve been here so short a time, and yet I have done alot. Still i feel that the AMV elite ...... eh ive lost my train of thought....whatever

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Post by Scintilla » Wed Apr 21, 2004 11:35 pm

inthesto wrote:That inthesto guy makes, like, the best AMVs in the history of Mankind. And Dude Love and Cactus Jack.
:pizza: :pizza: Image :pizza: :pizza:

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Post by Arigatomina » Wed Apr 21, 2004 11:48 pm

SnhKnives wrote:For now, when everyone thinks of greatness, the oldschool elitest around think of their editing idols when they were first learning the ropes.
You know, I've watched and reviewed a lot of vids in the last year. Before that I had seen a tiny genre of amvs - I didn't bother to get the 'greats' until a few months back, after having their names repeated so many times I just *had* to see what the fuss was about. But you know what I've noticed?

Of all the videos I've reviewed, I have yet to see a 'great' editor produce one that seemed better than the 'new' editors have done. Sure, I've seen some 'groundbreaking' vids, but for each of those, there are at least 2 spin-offs already done to commonize the concept. And I didn't see those 'groundbreakers' until after they were common. I watched the 'greats' *after* seeing a very wide variety of videos, a large majority of which were made by editors who joined after I did. And looking at the legends, after the background of vids I've tried to pick apart, really doesn't tell me why they're so great. I watch one of the 'best' vids and look through my list and find it would fall down in the middle, right next to 'good' editors. It's one of the reasons I had to stop reviewing the 'greats', I wasn't a good fan. I just don't see it.

But I *have* seen other new members follow the pattern. I had the pleasure of greeting a number of them who have since gone on to idolize the greats who've been editing for at least 1 year longer than them (preferably 2). I got to watch them go from being almost impartial to latching onto one of the select groups following a 'great.' And when I ask why, what was it that made him decide the vids by that person were beyond anything else he'd seen, I just get that blank 'stare'. What? You don't recognize perfection when you see it? I guess I don't. I'm just now starting to understand why others pick a 'mentor/idol' figure in a hobby like this.

I just hadn't been inside enough online communities (or young co-dependent communities) to get it. It's the old horror reader who thinks King is the best. Sure, there are many writers better than him, but he is the idol to that group of fans. Natural selection. Being a somewhat underground group just seems to make it more blatant to the point where even 'majors' in editing - those non-great but very good editors - are blindsighted. They can't compare videos objectively, and they don't have to. I may know there are better writers than King, but he's still the 'best' to me - the best at satisfying my tastes. The editors have their greats, and there are enough of them that their opinions are the only ones that matter. You're either in agreement, or you're a bystander - not a fan. I'm a big believer in the power of the masses when they're in agreement. And when it comes to picking greats or 'the best' then it comes down to the masses and which figurehead they congregate behind or strive to emulate.

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Post by SnhKnives » Thu Apr 22, 2004 12:00 am

I agree with Ari on this. I was like every other newbie when i first joined I had my idol, I will admit it, I admired Koopiskeva. When i joined, u4ia has jsut been released and I was noob-strucken. What can I say? I idoled him as the best creator of all time. I didnt know of other creators such as fluxy and rozard and steakslim, who i now admire jsut as greatly. Since then it was my greatest joy in my AMV world to becomes friends with him. I thought it was great when he let me beta hid videos and talk with me about his next project. I felt well, dignified. Call me shallow i dont care. After i got a few good opinions from my videos i guess, i was able to help other upcoming creators. Since i am still new at this is till remember the good old days when i didnt know anything and I was still learning. I know whats its like to love someone elses work for what it is and strive to be like that person. I feel now that I am in between the two extremes. I am no elitest, nor am I a novice. Its nice to expreince the world of veterans and the world of innocence. However maybe thats just my take.

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Post by Koopiskeva » Thu Apr 22, 2004 12:39 am

SnhKnives wrote:Since then it was my greatest joy in my AMV world to becomes friends with him.
omg.. who r u? ..stalker |:

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Flint the Dwarf
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Post by Flint the Dwarf » Thu Apr 22, 2004 1:24 am

Arigatomyna wrote:Of all the videos I've reviewed, I have yet to see a 'great' editor produce one that seemed better than the 'new' editors have done.
x 2

Although, this is all subjective. Maybe someone who has been involved in the old-school AMV world still sees the "great" editors' new work as superior. Hence the "golden days" mentality that some people have. But at the same time, I find myself liking fewer and fewer of the videos I used to love. Just depends on the person. I don't see videos like I do wine. And even if they were like wine, you can't make a 1960s wine nowadays (unless, maybe... cloning? o.o).

I'm not sure that makes any sense, so I'm going to stop. :? I need sleep. What was this topic about again? You know what needs to be added? The title of the thread at the topic of reply pages. Sure, I could just click 'back' a few times, but I'd rather just look at the top of the screen.
Kusoyaro: We don't need a leader. We need to SHUT UP. Make what you want to make, don't make you what you don't want to make. If neither of those applies to you, then you need to SHUT UP MORE.

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Post by Kalium » Thu Apr 22, 2004 1:32 am

I don't know about you guys, but I'd rather watch Delicate Beauty than Engel.

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Post by Flint the Dwarf » Thu Apr 22, 2004 1:36 am


Thanks. ^__^
Kusoyaro: We don't need a leader. We need to SHUT UP. Make what you want to make, don't make you what you don't want to make. If neither of those applies to you, then you need to SHUT UP MORE.


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