Guess I can't complain about my brother and his gf...from what I heard, she had the IQ of a 10 year old....
Actually, the whole above/below 18 sex thing differs from state to state. GENERALLY, the law is it's illegal if there's an age difference greater than 5 years, provided the younger is 16 or up. (i.e. a 16 and a 22 can't, but a 16 and 21 can.) Of course, I suggest you check your state laws regarding statutory rape, if you want to learn more.Captain Tylor wrote:I'll just get this out of my system now. "Universal" age for becoming an adult, or being able to consent to sex, is stupid. It really is. I'm 17 and 364 days, can't look at porn, no credit card, no smoking, can't have sex with anyone older than 18. Then, I turn 18, and wake up the morning of my birthday, and wow! *Magically* I'm mature and responsible enough to smoke, get credit cards, buy porn and have all the sex I want. Yeah, right. That's one of the biggest loads of crap that exists in our society. Same thing goes with age of consent. One day, you aren't mature enough to make decisions about sex. Then the next day, just cause you're one year older, *everyone* is apparently capable of making such decisions.
Hmm...never heard it all put quite that way before.Nestorath69 wrote:This is a pretty controversial conversation, ne? Although I may joke about this kind of thing, idon't necessarily support it:
if she's old enough to pee, she's old enough for me!
Old enough to bleed? Old enough to breed
If there's no grass on the lawn, roll her over and play in the mud!
macedon wrote:This goes double for anything with Kevin Caldwell, as any evidence of His Resurrection would be greeted by the Believers and give the world hope now that the Lord has Arisen once more.