Ewwwww. eww eww eww eww.dark_myuutwo wrote: What I do is crop the video somewhat from 4:3 to 16:9, and if that doesn't look good on a TV (when I have burnt it to DVD-RW), I re-encode the video differently. A friend who I gave a test disc to said that the videos looked fine but that I had killed one of the videos, so I went and re-did that one and it looks good now.
Legal issues aside, don't do that.
I get the feeling that you don't really know what you're saying. To convert from 4:3 to 16:9, you either have to crop off a whole assload of image data, destroying the video, or zoom the image, which also destroys the video.
Keeping everything in 4:3 is by far a better idea.
Now, the more important problem:
The donations go to fund the servers and Internet connection, not line Phade's pockets.dark_myuutwo wrote: But look at it from this perspective: the Org is making money based on donations, and none of that goes to the anime studios or musical artists involved because, well, that'd put the site out of business. But we're paying to get the videos on our membership accounts so...