I think this system makes better sense:LightningCountX wrote:one thing that bothers me about this new system thingy(ill use janzki's since im too lazy to use my own )
the 1,2,4,5 stars make no sense. wouldn't thumbs up and Thumbs down be equal to Two thumbs up and Two thumbs down? WE ONLY HAVE 2 THUMBS! Ok, im done being annoying for today... 8)Janzki wrote:I had no idea my ratings were so well balanced.Average Star Rating Given By You: 3.02
Your Star Distribution
5 = Two thumbs up 40
4 = Thumbs up 171
3 = Eeeegh 251
2 = Thumbs down 168
1 = Two thumbs down 36
5 =
4 =
3 =
2 =
1 =