How to make a good manga

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Post by ryuu_hime13 » Thu May 06, 2004 7:07 pm

I'm taking an art class this summer at Amherst so I can improve my drawing skills...I've been dying to make my own manga for a while. I'll probably use the storyline for a book I've been working on since...oh, 5th grade? Mind you, it's gone through so many changes and it keeps changing every time I start it over. I'm so damn picky. I plan to work on that this summer much for vacation....

Complex plots are so difficult to maintain, but they definitely make a manga 100x better.
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Post by sunandshadow » Thu May 06, 2004 7:38 pm

ryuu_hime13 wrote:I'll probably use the storyline for a book I've been working on since...oh, 5th grade? Mind you, it's gone through so many changes and it keeps changing every time I start it over. I'm so damn picky. I plan to work on that this summer much for vacation....

Complex plots are so difficult to maintain, but they definitely make a manga 100x better.
Lol that sounds just like me. My novel-in-progress is on its fourth or fifth totally different version. I mean, the versions have things in common - same main character personalities (except that I added one this time around), a school, a kidnapping, a person adapting to living in a new society, a team/family social structure (somehing like a group marriage I suppose) - but a lot of things have completely changed.

I too am possibly too picky - I could have written a whole novel in the time I've spent working out the design for the perfect one. And the plot is the part that always has me bangingmy head against a wall.
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